
Pashnirix watched with mild annoyance as RaXi and Tanex disappeared into a void. He didn't take very nicely to being ordered about, but as the situation was, RaXi needed to feel like she was in control. He turned to Rexikat.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

The Tigress shook her head and growled roughly. "I'm pissed off, but other than that, yeah, I'm fine," she said. "I could go for a good hunt."

She brushed off a few flakes of ice from her shoulder and dropped her chains to the floor. Pashnirix smirked, readying his own scimitar. Behind them, Xyta and Setxune took battle stances as well.

"Marlex," said Pashnirix, "you're obviously out-numbered, as well as out-skilled. Be a gentleman and give up now."

Marlex growled, getting into an offensive position. "No way," said Marlex. "You are a traitor. You deliberately defied the Leader, and attacked your own comrades. I have orders, and I will take you down."

Sighing in resignation, the Dragon said, "Very well, if you say it must be so." Signaling to Rexikat, he rushed forward, portalling just before he would have slashed Marlex. Rexikat sent her chains around Marlex at the same time, but he deflected them with a gust of wind.

Recovering quickly, she sent a chain slithering across the floor to wrap around his ankle, yanked on it, and brought him tumbling to the floor. She grabbed his around the throat and threw him against the wall furiously, kicking him in the side before he brushed her away with another gust of wind.

Pashnirix moved in next, enraged that Marlex would dare touch his mate. "Try to deflect this," he growled, creating nine copies of his scimitar and sending them all flying towards Marlex.

The pink-haired Nobody whirled his Gwan Dao expertly, deflecting some but not all. One of the blades glanced off his face, leaving a thin streak of red blood. Another pierced him squarely in the side, making him double over in pain.

"I will not," he gasped, "fall to you, traitor." Using his Gwan Dao as a crutch, he made his way back to his feet, taking an offensive stance once more.

"So resilient," muttered Pashnirix. "Just accept your fate, Marlex." The copies of his sword vanished as he waved his hand, and Pashnirix chose this time to attack with his claws. He dashed forward, tackling Marlex and throwing him across the room. The man fell and rolled to his feet, charging at Pashnirix in retaliation.

"Absolutely not," said Rexikat, sending out a chain to wrap Marlex's wrists behind his back in his moment of distraction. She quickly finished the job, binding his whole body with the chains.

Pashnirix sheathed his sword. "I could have handled him, you know," he said, raising an eyebrow.

"I'd rather not take the chance," she said, holding tight to the struggling Marlex. "What do you want to do with him now?"

Pashnirix's eyes darkened. "I have no use for him," he said, "and no doubt the Leader requests my presence." If the Leader had honestly wanted to see me dead or captured, he would have come himself, he thought, he knows I am not that easily subdued.

"Then give him to me," said another voice. It was Tanex, holding his side carefully.

Pashnirix, Rexikat, Xyta, and Setxune turned to look at the man. Tanex turned his face away. "It would seem that we have failed our orders. I will inform the Leader of this, and I suggest you report to him immediately," he said directly to Pashnirix.

Pashnirix nodded, and Rexikat released Marlex into Tanex's custody.

Another portal opened up, and Ximh stepped through, glancing around carefully. "Oh," he said. "I guess you guys took care of Marlex, then."

Marlex turned and glared at the sound of his name. He moved to attack Ximh, but Tanex pulled him back. The two disappeared into a portal without another word.

"All of these people," Pashnirix growled, "invading my sanctuary. When I get back to the Citadel, I swear--"

RaXi came into the room through another portal. She stumbled, holding onto a wound in her arm.

"RAXI!" Xyta shouted. She dashed out from behind Setxune and approached RaXi.

"It's nothing," said RaXi nonchalantly. "Ximh? What are you doing here? Did the Leader sent you?" She walked up to him.

"Yeah...I don't really know why...that dude Marlex was REALLY outnumbered when I joined in..." he answered.

"He did it to get on my nerves," she said angrily. Then she turned to Pashnirix. "Dragon, you can thank me for your life...Tanex spared you all because I defeated him. To show your appreciation, you will return Rexikat to Oblivion. That's only it not?"

Pashnirix narrowed his eyes. More demands; he was really starting to dislike this RaXi. He opened his mouth to reply, but Ximh interrupted.

"This is the guy who TOOK Rexikat?!" Ximh snarled, stepping forward. Pashnirix placed a hand on his scimitar, ready to attack, but RaXi stopped Ximh with a hand on his arm.

"What say you...Dragon?" RaXi asked, glaring at Pashnirix.

"I say..." The Dragon glanced over to Rexikat. "I say it is her decision," he said, refusing to outright give up his prize.

Rexikat sighed and turned away. "Pashnirix," she said, "this is unfair. Don't make me choose."

"You know I will not willingly give you up, Tigress," he said affectionately, a rare display of the seeming emotion. "But if you choose to leave, know that does not mean I won't return for you."

Rexikat nodded, and then turned to RaXi. "RaXi," she said desperately, "the Leader musn't know of this. If Pashnirix comes to Castle Oblivion--"

"If he comes to try and steal you back, we will stop him," she cut in viciously. Rexikat frowned and looked to the ground.

"But," RaXi continued quietly, "if he just wants to spend time with you...I suppose...I can keep a secret."

Rexikat watched her face carefully, examining for signs of a lie, but found none. Joyously she threw her arms around RaXi, rubbing her nose against her neck. “Thanks,” Rexikat muttered gratefully.

RaXi turned her face away. “No problem,” she said, “I know you would do the same for me.”

Rexikat nodded. “We should get back to the castle,” she said. “You need to have your arm fixed up.”

RaXi agreed, creating a portal for Rexikat, Setxune, Xyta, and herself to go back to the castle. Before leaving, RaXi turned back to look at Pashnirix one last time. “I—”

Pashnirix held up a hand, smiling graciously. “Do not worry,” he said. “I have problems of my own to deal with now. Trust that this is not the last you will see of me.”
KitKat: This took so long! I've been busy with report and tests and stuff (teachers always choose the week before vacation to load up on work :p) but I've finally gotten something up!!
