
I'd had three weeks of wonderful freedom. It felt good...being able to go wherever I wished without bonds. But, before I'd gone ANYWHERE I made sure Etxel was almost completely full health again. He was a stubborn knight, but an honorable man, what this world of Nobodies lacked. I felt that I could actually treat this man as a TRUE comrade in arms...therefore I made it my duty to make sure he was all good before rushing to danger once again. Even if that meant drugging him up to save him from his own stubbornness. >:}

After getting a slight grasp on the situation at hand, Etxel had ran off as soon as he was able, no doubt to see Xakiah. All during the time he was unconscious he'd called out to her...they had to have been very close at one time. Whether they were now or not...I couldn't tell. She seemed to be a woman he would do anything to protect....anything....


How I'd wanted to go to her in this time. To finally say what should've been spoken back then...before I became this. NO. I would not regret this...what had befallen had only served to bring me closer to her in the end. And not only that...but I'd been able to confirm what I'd researched all those years for. A nobody could feel...they did exist...they had thought patterns and emotions not unlike wholes...yes, I myself was proof of this. I had become a Nobody, this was true, but I'd lost none of my feelings towards RaXi. On the contrary...I only seemed to love her even more. No matter the pain I matter what I would have to overcome to prove it to her...she would day...I swore that on my very soul.

A familiar pang echoed throughout my nerves. The intensity was severe...Xerebus had returned from his long..."vacation". I smiled in spite of priceless that image...the image of Xerebus trying to escape from a fog. I responded to his summoning, appearing in his quarters and watching him pace from side to side in an angry rage. I did not speak...I tried to refrain from such meaningless chatter...I didn't care to hear his voice...ever...why should I invoke it?

"Verex...tell me long has passed?" He snarled.

I smiled. "Do you really want to know? Three weeks."

His fist came down hard on his desk. "Curse her...that witch..." He mumbled.

Don't blame others for your incompetence... I thought loudly. He glared at me...yet said nothing. Then in a split second I was pinned against the wall. His hand came up and grabbed my chin. He glared at me, I stared back in defiance...just as always...

" do realize that's three weeks of pain we have to catch up on now...don't you?" He muttered in a sweet yet vile tone. "I could give it to you all at once...but're lucky." He smiled and slowly pulled away.

I didn't say a word...which only served to aggravate him more.

"Why are you lucky? Well simple. I've another task for you I meant to assign three weeks ago..." He continued.

"Which is?"

He grinned. "I want you to keep an eye on Tanex. I don't trust him." With this comment he'd finally calmed down enough to sit down. He began fiddling with various objects on his desk. "I want you to tell me about anything suspicious he may be up to."

"Tanex has never done anything but shown you loyalty...why suspect him?" I couldn't help but ask.

"That's exactly why." Xerebus smirked. "He's been TOO LOYAL. One would expect the occasional clearly shown to me by Pashnirix, yet look at Tanex. He's done nothing but follow my orders...with a smile on his face even."

Xerebus was a wily man. I had to wonder if he expected any of the members to follow him...or if they were all simply his pawns in a much larger game. A game involving that man of Oblivion. Their Leader.

"Do not analyze ME Verex." Xerebus suddenly stated crossly. "And do not question my orders to you. Unlike the others, I KNOW you will not disobey. Lest you feel the consequences of such a betrayal."

My eyes narrowed as I glared at him. "Whatever you say." I turned to leave.

"And another thing Verex..." I stopped. "Make sure Tanex doesn't realize you're shadowing'll only spur what he's most likely planning."

"Chh." I sighed and stepped through my portal. "Tanex huh?" I mumbled. I'd never had any trouble with him. Though, I always realized he was someone to steer clear from. Behind his cheery facade and sunny disposition lie a fearsome enemy, should you be foolish enough to make him one. I had accompanied him on few missions...but those I had...he had shown me just what he was capable of.

I exited not far from Tanex's quarters. Just in time to see Xeros enter. As the door shut, I slowly stood on the outside edge of the door...trying my best to hear anything being said. And yet...I could make out nothing. Low mumblings of scattered and broken words...Xeros really did need to learn how to speak up. -_-'

It went dead quiet. Almost to the point where it seemed they weren't even in the room anymore. Crossing my arms I debated my next move...truly, what was to be done?? I wasn't to let Tanex know I was watching it wasn't like I could just walk up and say 'Hey a traitor? Cool.'

Suddenly...I felt it...RaXi! Looking over my shoulder at Tanex's quarters once more...I decided to pursue RaXi. I appeared just before the Citadel...but quickly took cover near the wall when I saw not only RaXi, but four others. I remembered the one named Lexian...the other was most likely Nyx. She appeared to be just the way RaXi had described her childhood friend. The other two...were...Aidex and Xyta! RaXi had taken them with her? This made me wonder...just how was Minx doing with Xerebus hadn't shown the slightest hint of concern...but I was worried for her. I hoped nothing ill would ever befall that girl. She had been too kind to me to ever wish her grief.

This was so hard...lingering in the shadows...watching her from afar...unable to speak with her at all...

Marlex appeared. They spoke for a moment...and I heard something I wish I hadn't....

"Tanex. Take us to him, we have business with him." RaXi had ordered...So Tanex IS working with the past apprentices? Maybe not...this could all be a misconception...I pondered silently.

Shortly after they all departed through a portal to an unknown location.

Well...not unknown for long. I gauged the portal's intended exit and adequately set my new portal for the same...give or take a set amount of distance. I didn't do this for did this for ME. Xerebus had given me freedom to leave Abyss in order to investigate Tanex. I snickered slightly...silently thanking him for giving me the freedom to move at will.

Stepping through, my jaw dropped at what lay before me...

Finally I do a Verex POV!! I've been wanting to do one for some time now! Thank you Xakiah for giving me the opening! LOL *ahem...the THREE weeks* X3
