Machinations of War

Despite wanting to spend time analyzing this new-found "feeling" of love, I knew we didn't have the time for that. "Pashnirix," I began

"I know," he said. I could almost hear the frown in his voice. "The issue of your orders is rather pressing, but as I stated earlier, I spoke with the leader today." He paused. "He was obviously upset with everything that had happened, but he didn't punish me. Just...yelled. A lot."

I frowned myself. "So?"

"He's distracted, Rex," he explained, pacing the room. "Something's going on."

"Um, my organization just got orders to destroy yours. I think he has a right to be distracted," I said, raising an eyebrow.

"Your organization just received orders to destroy us. He should be mobilizing every last one of us," said Pashnirix hurriedly, "not...doing whatever he is doing now. We have more than enough manpower to do enough damage to keep you at bay. We should be fighting."

I thought about this, and realized he was right. "Which means that something really is going on," I said mostly to myself, "probably some kind of deal, knowing our Leader."

We stared at each other for a moment, every single worst case scenario running through our minds simultaneously. "I guess I'm not getting any sleep tonight, either," he said, hastily stripping and changing back into his suit. He grabbed his cloak, grabbed my hand, and led me out the doorway.

As I rushed to keep up with his long strides, I asked, "Where are we going?"

"I'm going to see Xerebus," he said. "If you want to go back to your--Verex!"

As we were running down the hallway, we passed Verex, who looked worried himself, and quite preoccupied. Pashnirix held on to his arm and asked, "Verex, what the hell is going on here? Did you know that Organization Oblivion--"

"Has orders to eliminate us, yes," said Verex, frowning. He nodded towards me, and I acknowledged him. "How much do you two know about the situation?"

"Xerebus is worried, very worried about something, and I suspect it involves a deal between him and the Leader of Oblivion," answered Pashnirix.

Verex sighed. "Then you don't know the other half. Tanex rounded up the apprentices and between him and RaXi, we've got a rather impressive contingency against both Xerebus and Xraktos. Right now, we're working on an experiment using RaXi's copy technique--"

"RaXi? Where is she?" I hadn't seen her for a while, and as one of the few friends I had, I was glad to hear news of her.

"She's back at the Oblivion Tanex created, where we're researching," he said. "I just stopped back here to grab some supplies. If you want, I could take you to the castle."

I glanced at Pashnirix, who gave a quick nod of his head. "You go ahead if you want to," he said. "I'm still going to go talk to Xerebus and find out exactly what's going on."

Verex nodded. "Just follow Rexikat's signature when you want to find us," he said with a slight smirk. "I'm sure you could manage that, dragon."

Pashnirix scoffed. "Of course," he said, turning to leave.

Verex created a portal and motioned for me to go through. "Wait," Pashnirix called, just before we went through.

"Verex," he said with a nod, "you look...a little different. Happier, I think."

A small smile twitched at the corner of Verex's mouth. "I could say the same to you, Pashnirix," he said in return.

"Ah," said Pashnirix, winking at me. With a rueful grin, I snagged Verex's sleeve and pulled him through the portal.

"You and Pashnirix?" he questioned as we came out of the portal into a hallway.

"You and RaXi?" I countered, raising an eyebrow.

Verex narrowed his eyes at me, but grinned. "Touche," he said.

"You don't tell on me, and I don't tell on you," I said easily, my hand on the doorknob to the lab.

"Ah, but ignoring him doesn't work, my dear," whispered Verex as we entered the room, "I've already tried."

I stifled my giggles and greeted everyone there with a serious face. "Hey, everyone," I said, nodding. I recognized Aidex and Xyta from Pashnirix's castle, but there were a couple other apprentices there I didn't know.

"This is Rexikat, for those of you who do not know," announced Verex. "She is of Organization Oblivion and will be joining our efforts. Trust her as you do each other," he warned.

Everyone mumbled some sort of greeting, but mostly everyone seemed busy with other things. "Alright, then," I said to Verex, "just let me know where I can help out."

KitKat: Finally! A post! >.> Where are you, summer vacation and lazy days?!

Pashnirix: Somewhere lost with Rex's willingness to show "emotion". :3

Rexikat: -_- I resent that, Pashnirix.

