Part 1- Aidex's Story...

The portal opened back up to Tanex’s ‘Where Nothingness Gathers’. Walking behind Tanex and Lexian I couldn’t see a thing but for some reason it was getting extremely hot in here. Then I heard Tanex say something as if someone was in the room as well. Stepping threw the portal the rest of the way I saw who it was when Tanex continued walking a short distance toward the person, leaving a gap opened and reviling a very mad Triskix.

A thought crossed my mind that he may burst with all the rage radiating off him. The floor was actually starting to melt, and the fire looked more like the top of the ocean on a windy day. The fire came in waves, though it barely covered the ground at this point, it crashing against the unforgiving stone of the chairs trying to eat everything. The place where Aidex and Xyta laid only an hour ago was washed away with the furry of the scorching hot waves, and that realization scared me. Could Triskix get washed away in his own fury?

“Hah and well, well,” Tanex started. “Didn’t think you would be on your feet so fast Pyro.”

Triskix then turn to glare at Tanex, his eyes were so different. They held so much hatred in them that I could feel my body shiver, I was scared. Scared of what happened to make him this way, scared of what would happen to him if he kept this up, and frustrated at myself that I didn’t know how to help.

“Tris?” I started.

Forgetting about the fire and took a step toward him, his body slightly trembling with the effort to hold back his anger. Then before I could even think about taken another step Tanex was in front of me with his normal smile on, not even slightly shaken over this whole matter.

“Nyx dear,” he started. “I believe that two little girls are starting to wake up…..would you mind going and checking on them?”

I didn’t even know what to say my mind was running faster then I could even comprehend. So many things have happened in such a short time, and I still didn’t understand why it felt like a huge piece of this messed up puzzle was missing and why it hurt. Sighing I knew I couldn’t help Triskix, and would just get in the way. Tanex had it covered that is why he wants me to leave. I looked over at him; his eyes where just the same. Then looked back to Tanex and nodded, hoping that they could help him.

I turned around to see Lexian standing there slightly annoyed even more collected then Tanex. I couldn’t understand how he always seemed to be the calmest out of all of us. It makes you wonder sometimes if he already knows the outcome of these kinds of matters, probably because he has been threw these so much. Opening a portal I stepped threw and quickly made it across the other side of the portal without a stop in between.

In front of me was the foot of the large red bed, two little lumps told me that it was still occupied by the girls. Walking over to one of the side I caught a glimpse of ebony colored hair pooling out of under the covers. A tuff of blonde hair stuck out from the other side. Smiling to the sleeping figures I stepped back quietly so not to wake them and sat on the window seat.

I let my mind drift and I began to wonder what was happening at the real Oblivion. Sure this was nice that Tanex made, and I do love it. Yet… it didn’t quiet feel like ‘home,’ first everyone wasn’t here we still need Xemmsur and Deidrex. Then second we did need our real home, are castle that we inherited so that our apprentice’s can live there, train and have claim to it as well.


The sound made me jump and quickly I looked over the bed. At first I thought it was just maybe my mind playing ticks, no one move on the bed, and I didn’t hear anything more. Then as I turned back I heard something once again.


Walking up to the bed I saw Aidex roll over, her eyes closed tight and I thought I saw a shimmer of something on her cheek. Her dark hair fell over her shoulder and covered what I thought was a tear as she mumbled something else.

“Aidex.” I whispered, quietly kneeing down to the bed to pull her hair back trying to sooth her. “It’s okay.”

M-Mom?” Aidex said in her sleep curling up against me. Her smaller hand clutched the blanket tighter and unconsciously pulled it over her body more.

The innocent word caught me off guard for a moment then without another thought, on pure instincts. I carefully moved her small form over so that I sat on the bed, and then pulled her back to me. I saw Xyta move out of the corner of my eye and groan, or was it a growl, in protest at the unknown movement that threatened to wake her up.

Aidex turned and curled up tighter as if it was the only thing that held her to reality. She started to mumble something else that I couldn’t make out and tears rolled down her face. Worried I held her closer and started to whisper to her to wake up. Her body went ridged, and then her stained blue eyes open suddenly, looked around cautiously until they finally landed on me.

“M-mom… I am sorry! I mean Master Nyx…”

“It’s okay. You can call me anything but that is not important right now … are you okay?” I whispered worried about what she could have been dreaming.

“I…” She started. Xyta rolled over again saying something and Aidex turned to look at her stopping what she was going to say.

“Please, tell me what’s wrong.” When I still didn’t get an answer I ported us to the other conjoined room so not to wake Xyta up. The door was still opened so I kept my voice low still.


“It… I…” her usually bight eye were dull I noticed when she looked at me. Trying to find the words to say she looked down at her shaking hands, fisting them in the blankets to hide it. “It’s just something from the past that is hard to…”

“Do you want to talk about it?” I asked smiling down Aidex to try to comfort her.

Sorry Everyone... It got a little longer then I thought. So I will cut it down into two pages. ^^'

Thanks Soji for the Neat Ideas!!!!! I hope I am portraying Aidex's personality right! Please tell me if there is a change to be made.

Thanks again everyone!

Little child, be not afraid.
Though rain pounds harshly against the glass,
Like an unwanted stranger, there is no danger.
I am here tonight.

Little child, be not afraid.
Though thunder explodes and lightning flash,
illuminates your tear-stained face.
I am here tonight.

