Convention Center Revolution!

So if you've read my latest announcement at OB (which I'm kind of mirroring here), I am about to make some changes to the Convention Center at OB.

While I don't want to go into too much detail just yet (this is sort of pending on a staffing decision that I'm looking at), I will say that the nature of the forum is going to change a lot.

We will still have "Official" events - so things like Nifty Fifty won't disappear. But soon we will have events that are totally member-driven. So this forum will really be open to anyone who has a good idea.

When these new changes become active, you'll see a new sticky thread in Convention Center explaining them (and I will make another announcement).

Thread of the Week

I have a very special one for you this week.


This is probably one of the coolest and most innovative threads I've seen in ages. You'll have to check it out for the details, but I think you'll agree that the concept is great.

Thread of the Week

This week's update is not a thread as such.

Art by Request

I wanted to feature the Art by Request forum in this week's update.

For those who aren't familiar with it, it's a pretty unique location on OB. Basically you can go there and create a thread to request whatever type of graphics you like (usually a banner/avatar, although people do request graphics for RPGs and other projects). It's a good way to get to know artists and it's especially good for the less graphically-inclined among us.

This is also a great place for artists to practice their skills and to compete as well.

The forum is often not talked about much, but as you can see most requests are fulfilled in a timely manner by the community. So it's still active and fulfilling a really important role on OB.

If you haven't heard of this (and if you're often in need of some graphics that you can't make yourself), I encourage you to visit Art by Request and have a go!

Arcade Update

I just noticed a thread today that I thought warranted posting here:

Innocent Life

It relates to a Harvest Moon game on PSP that seems to be pretty different in concept to previous games.

This made me wonder if any Harvest Moon fans had seen it. Also, I know that Harvest Moon fans can be a pretty dedicated bunch; after all, Harvest Moon is a very specialized type of game.

I thought I'd see if there are any Harvest Moon fans on the network here. I've only ever played Harvest Moon on SNES (not quite sure which HM title it was) and I thought it was all right. It didn't set the world on fire for me, but then again, I played it well after SNES had died off - I think it just failed to retain much depth.

The latest Harvest Moon game on Wii seems pretty interesting, so I might take a look at it.

Thread of the Week

Apologies for the lack of threads lately, guys. To make up for that, I have two great threads for you this week.


I would definitely call myself a Pixar fan; who isn't, really?

Their latest film is WALL-E, which promises to be rather cool (at least, I think so). I am really looking forward to it.

For those of you who are following Pixar's latest, feel free to visit the official thread on OB.

The DailyOtaku

This thread has become a bit of a staple at OB. It is the work of our beloved Administrator, Desbreko. Some very funny articles in here, which really show great attention to detail and include a lot of members.

I think this is an example of OB fan fiction done right. It's one of the few OB "fics" to have stood the test of time.