Nifty Fifty 2008 - Final

The results are in!

OtakuBoards Nifty Fifty 2008 - Final

For those unfamiliar, the Nifty Fifty celebrates fifty of the most significant members/threads/events throughout the previous year on OB. All Otakuites are welcome to contribute and now the final list has been published.

A big thanks go out to all of the contributors to this year's event.

Thread of the Week

OB Time Capsule

This is another little gem that has recently popped up within the Convention Center.

I won't repeat the thread for you here, but basically the idea is to pack this thing full of info about ourselves (including any kind of submission - like art, poetry, etc) and then bury this thread until 10/10/10, when it would be unearthed for everyone to view.

I think it's a really clever idea and it hasn't been done in our little community before. It'd be great to see more and more submissions going here.

A lot of people are talking about where they see themselves in two years and how they think their lives will be. It would be fascinating to see how accurate their predictions are when the time comes!

So do yourself a favour and head on over to the Convention Center to check out the OB Time Capsule. All Otakuites are very welcome!

Convention Center Growing!

OB Werewolf Game: SIGN UP!!

Golden oldie Sephiroth has launched a new event in the Convention Center based off of the popular Mafia/Werewolf party game. About a year ago I made an event similar to this and most members seemed to enjoy it so I'm really looking forward to participating in this one.

This time around things have been skimmed down a bit to fit the online environment. If you've never really touched the Convention Center before or just don't know many OBers then this is the perfect time to jump in! To start just go to this thread and reply.

And while you're in the Convention Center why don't you check out the OtakuBoards Time Capsule? </shamelessplug>

Convention Center Revolution!

So if you've read my latest announcement at OB (which I'm kind of mirroring here), I am about to make some changes to the Convention Center at OB.

While I don't want to go into too much detail just yet (this is sort of pending on a staffing decision that I'm looking at), I will say that the nature of the forum is going to change a lot.

We will still have "Official" events - so things like Nifty Fifty won't disappear. But soon we will have events that are totally member-driven. So this forum will really be open to anyone who has a good idea.

When these new changes become active, you'll see a new sticky thread in Convention Center explaining them (and I will make another announcement).
