Thread of the Week

Have you visited the Anthology forum lately? It's where OBers post their fan fiction and discuss everything from comics to novels.

It is probably one of the quieter forums on OB, but even when at its quietest, there's always a dedicated group of members who continue to post their work there.

Until Proven Guilty: The Court Records of Ace O'Turney, Ace Attorney

One of the more popular threads lately has come from member Aceburner. I guess you could call it an OB parody type of story, but there's a whole lot more to it than that.

I won't spoil it for you, but let's just say that apparently some of our members are involved in enough dodgy activities that we do need a full-time attorney. Lions in movie theaters? Tsk tsk.

National Novel Writing Month!

National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo for short) proves to be a challenge to writers every November. The idea is to start writing a novel at the beginning of the month and reach a whopping 50,000 words by the end of November. A couple years ago I attempted to do this and I will tell you it's no easy task!

Amphitheater moderator Clurr has created a thread for NaNoWriMo on OtakuBoards (click: here). I won't be participating this year but I definitely look forward to reading everyones stories!

If you have any questions about how NaNoWriMo works you can direct yourself to their website. If you plan on writing you'd better start right away!

Thread of the Week

What are you reading?

This thread has become one of the most successful in the Anthology. There are some great recommendations and summaries here, so if you're looking for some new reading material, this thread is for you!

I haven't been reading anything terribly interesting lately, although I'm still slowly going through Watchmen. I shelve it each time something new comes along, but this is mostly because I don't want to finish it too soon! I'm really loving it.

What is your all-time favorite book? Mine is definitely still Nineteen Eighty-Four, although there are some that have come close to knocking this one off the perch.
