Arcade Update

This poor forum hasn't had much coverage lately, so I thought I'd link to a few of the latest discussions there. There are some great ones, too!

Mario Kart Wii

I think this will be a very interesting thread, partly because I think this game itself is going to be somewhat controversial for traditional Mario Kart fans.

Mario Paint Composer: This Program is Genius!

I had thought Mario Paint was long gone until I stumbled upon this little gem. Does anyone still own Mario Paint? I still have my copy lying around somewhere, although I don't use it anymore.

It was an interesting game/program for its time and I think in some ways it gave a glimpse into the future of Nintendo (especially with some of the things we're seeing on Wii).

Definitely a nice nostalgia trip for some of us.

If you could make your own game...

This thread has been up for a little while, but I just felt the need to put it up here.

If you could make your own game, what type of game would you make? It's lead to some pretty interesting discussion so far and there are some great ideas here.
