Thread of the Week

There are a couple of unique threads this week. First up:


It's a really simple question: if you died tomorrow, what would you want to be remembered for? And what do you think you'd be remembered for?

I really have no idea what people would remember about me. I kind of think that's really for others to decide (in my case, anyway).

Moe points

I will quote Dagger (the thread creator) on this one:

"To put it simply, a moe point is a superficial trait that heightens your interest in or affection for a character. It can be physical (e.g. hair ribbons, eye color, school uniform, bust size) or more abstract (such as cute catchphrases and other quirks)."

There are some awesome (and quirky) responses in there already. What superficial traits draw you to your favorite anime character? Jump in and let us know!
