Anime Central Update

Now, this isn't anything new, mind, but I thought I'd draw some attention to how the Lucky Star thread just keeps on rolling. The best part is the way it seems to regularly attract both new members (here's to you, Sabrina) and old members who're new to the show.

Lucky Star*

Link leads to the most recent page. To be fair, I should also tip my hat to the Bleach and Naruto manga threads, which have maintained a similar long-term liveliness. Confession: I read these regularly even though I don't follow either series. The speculation and debates are interesting even when you have only the faintest idea of what's being talked about.

*Just for fun, what would you subtitle the Lucky Star thread? (The first thing that popped into my head was Lucky Star: Don't Forget Your Sailor Uniform, followed by Lucky Star: Bringing Chocolate Coronets Back in Style. You guys can do way better.)

Thread of the Week

Welcome to our first ever Thread of the Week. I'm going to post a new featured thread every weekend - and it could potentially come from any part of the community.

I thought I'd start with something of a classic this week, from Manga Alley (a forum that doesn't get nearly enough love!)

Naruto Manga is currently the largest active thread in Manga Alley, with over 650 replies so far.

Seems like there's a lot of interesting discussion going on in there, so I highly recommend this one for Naruto fans. However, I should point out that this thread is littered with spoilers - so enter at your own risk!
