Protecting Your Account

After participating in a staff discussion on this topic recently, I realised that we don't really have any kind of official comment about the need for all users to protect their accounts. Maybe this will eventually be added to the Terms of Service in some form, but regardless it's still worth mentioning.

I always thought it goes without saying that all users should be very careful with their accounts. That is, make sure you never give out your password, don't leave yourself logged-in on a public computer and especially don't try to share accounts between multiple people.

If somebody else logs into your account and does something that violates either the OB Rules or theOtaku's ToS, it's entirely possible that action will be taken against that account (whether outright banning or some other measure).

While there may be some rare cases where we can confirm that somebody else was using your account (and therefore your account may not face a ban), it's often very difficult (usually impossible) to actually determine this.

This is why it's very important to protect your user accounts at all times - in the same way that you would protect your email account or your internet banking account.

As I said earlier in this post, this has always struck me as obvious and therefore I never felt we needed to explicitly mention it - but I understand that it can be very easy for an unintended problem to happen. It's incredibly easy, for instance, to forget to log out if you're at a library or something.

So, whether or not this is something we add to any official rules, I figured it would be worth just reiterating this here.
