Is it snowing yet?

Holiday Weather

With Christmas only being a few days away, if you're not doing any last minute shopping, you might be thinking about what the weather is like. I know I am. So many people around the world have to travel if they want to see their loved ones for the holiday. It's the same for me, even if the distance is short. Still, I always think about it since I always wonder if we'll have snow or not.

This year I wonder no more and I know we will have a White Christmas, but what about the rest of you? I know some of you are in parts of the world where Christmas is summer instead of winter. I find that really odd since I've never lived where it's warm for Christmas. o_O

So what is your holiday weather like? What were some of the oddest times for you? Like Rachmaninoff mentioned in the thread at OtakuBoards, we had one year where at the end of two days of snow, we had over 700 accidents.

It hasn't been that bad this year, but it is cold, icy and even more snow is expected to show up between now and Christmas.
