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- Created By OtakuGothGirl
Hello Kitty and X-Japan join Forces
It seems that Hello Kitty is going to join with the most popular J-Rock band "X-JAPAN". Here's the article that explains:http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2009-03-07/hello-kitty-character-x-japan-rock-band-join-forces
Yoshiki(X-Japan) with Hello Kitty? Cool!
Hello Kitty's "Hello World" album
I love Hello Kitty and so does every female otaku. According to sanrio.com, there's going to be the very first full-lengh album. There are some songs that are hello kitty inspired. It's available on iTunes and Walmart stores from october 7. It will be available in sanrion boutique stores widely in January 2009. For now, you can listen to some of the songs at myspace.com/hellokittyalbum Spread the word otakus!