Hey!!!Hello!!!welcome!! (^o^)/

My boring not so fun life is no longer as boring as it was before.
Why? I don't know.

But now that I think about it it just depends on who reads it because some of my friends have a waaaay more fun life so yeah. ANYWAYS WELCOME!!!!!

It is nice to meet you and thank you for even taking the time to read his far.

Here's some "fun" facts about me:

1. I am a girl
2. I hated gym class (especially the one i had were we did worksheets)
3. I am an anime fan (duh)
4. I hate being broke.


The new chat thingy on theO is cool!
I don't feel like doing my homework. I can't believe they went thru the trouble of mailing the assignment. I read the book which wasn't that bad but the writing part sounds sucky *sigh*...
I only got into that class so I wouldn't have p.e. Yes I totally ultra super mega hate gym! In first and second grade that class was what kept me from straight A's ^ ^ Ugh, just 16 more wonderful days 'til school. That sucks. Plus I'm already almost thur half the candy bag my friend asked me to bring her ^^'
