Welcome to the little place that I'll be posting up some fanfiction stories that I've written. Many of my little one-shots can be MUCHO long, so be prepared! ;3

I'll be super happy if I get some feedback. 'Cause I love you all, even if ya don't like it. FEEDBACK IS GROWING MATERIAL FOR THE WRITEEEEE~R. :D

All of these stories, and several much longer ones are posten on fanfiction.net or http://www.fanfiction.net/~mewsahara under the user name of Mew-Sahara.

Lovely, lovely! I hope you all make youselves at home.

So sit back, relax, and get read to read!

Little Miss Sunshine

Originally written and posted of fanfiction.net under the name of Mew-Sahara (which happens to be my name on that site). This takes place a few years after the aliens leave at the end of the Tokyo Mew Mew series. Broken up into two p...

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The Ten Commandments for Fanfiction Writers

I originally took this and edited it for the Tokyo Mew Mew section, but in reality, it can apply for all sections. :] Please don't be offended by the writing. It was not meant to offend. And not all canon sucks. So don't be like, "I...

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