[h a n a w a]
is almost a semi-mathematical formula
which comprises of details like
+ [Angsty]
/ [Notty]
x [Anime-freak]
- [Wannabe aka WTF?!]
= [All of the above].

Recently (self-) crowned as the most complicated formula of the century.

:: Do Not Laugh! ::

I finally decided to post some photos of mine here 'cause there are certain people who requested to see how I look like. Well, I've warned them that I look like a just-got-out-of-bed monster but they didn't buy it. So note to myself: Stop exaggerating too much now will yah?! XD LOL

So onto the pictures. Behold! And do NOT laugh! DX

My mum said my face in photos is funny (Gah! I don't see why) so I asked her and she explained that actually, it's not really my face, but how CONSISTENT my facial expression is in each and every photo! So yeah, there's no variation at all --- I can be as natural as can be off camera but I immediately got camera fright (sorta) at the sight of a camera.

... I wonder how can I pull off a face like THAT, I mean, in the photo with my dad.

Hanawa aka Hana

:: Working On ::

Hurray! Right now I'm having a 2-weeks holiday and there are loads and LOADS of stuffs I really REALLY need to catch up, like breathing and sleeping. XD LOL. And most importantly, I'm in fact working on a few fanarts and boy owh boy, it feels sooo good to be able to draw again~

Btw here are the 4 fanarts that I'm currently working on:

At the moment each of them is very much of a doodle. They will soon become decent fanarts, so just you wait~! Owh I have to help my little sister with her homeworks so I gtg now~! Tata~!

Hanawa aka Hana
