just a world about everything happening in my life and about some things that I find interesting


So I'm making a photomanip and I'm using this lovely picture:
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Here's what I worked on so far:
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I'll change their heads as Katnus and Pita from the Hunger Games :))

Do you know any good photoshoot of a male that can compliment the picture? A guy in a suit/any formal wear in an elaborate setting/environment. I'm like so desperate because I can't find any good and HQ images D: I'll be very appreciative.


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I'm now a proud owner of Photoshop CS6 extended for free

I'm only installing the CS6 because I prefer my old CS5 as the portable one I downloaded. Refer to these posts:

Feel free to ask me if you don't get some stuff. I might be able to help. ^^
[EDIT] Just added links for CS5 Portable.


I've seen some interesting stuff this morning:
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I'm like:
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Random post sorry! :P I hope Gaby can see this so she'll have even more inspiration ;)


And this is crazy.... A lot of things happened today :)

1. I met a tumblr user who has the same name as me (pretty much like last year) but what's special is that we haz the same birthday! :D Although she's prettier and has a nice fashion sense.
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2. Jay Park released a free album download :)
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3. Some songs in the album are NSFW but who cares? As expected, there are smoking hot songs ooohh lala. I just finished listening to all tracks and I'm like UNF! I'm out of ovaries to explode...
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4. My friend is interested in collecting vintage stuff. We used to have a huge collection of vinyl records but my grandma threw them away because our turntable is no longer functioning. Too bad. My friend is planning to buy them. DAYUM! I searched and I found this first album of Steppenwolf. Only the cover though, the black disk thing is gone.
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5. It's Gaby's (fma17) birthday! :D I made her this Josh card because we both love him.
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Angel Zakuro's prizes

I'm giving prizes to the winners of my Confession challenge.

Sorry these icons took me a while because YOLO
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YAY! I'm finally working my lazy ass off to make the prizes I promised!
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I'm really wishing for an official theO Avatar/Icon Gallery. I really hate the effort of uploading and linking each icon one by one. :(