It seems that soon you will start with school again. Well, you know what's good? :D You say that you like going in school, so that's nice as well. Aaaand, it doesn't have to mean that we still won't hear from you. Less yes, but still you will.^^
I wish you all the luck there and show them how awesome you are. ;)
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/27/11 | Reply
I heard other universities are starting their classes sometime in July. Well, good luck on your soon first day on college! c:
Lemme guess, you ate Max's? x) just a guess.
EDIT: Oh wait no. you ate at classic savory xD
Last edited by SarahPatricia at 8:55:40 PM CDT on May 27, 2011.
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/27/11 | Reply
It seems that soon you will start with school again. Well, you know what's good? :D You say that you like going in school, so that's nice as well. Aaaand, it doesn't have to mean that we still won't hear from you. Less yes, but still you will.^^
I wish you all the luck there and show them how awesome you are. ;)
LoL, your father is awesome!!!! :D