Sorry to hear for the boring classes. But you know, when surrounding is boring, then the strongest motivation awakens. In this case new version of Miku Hatsune! More like expressionist version of her.^^
It looks like your History teacher is some epic dude with his ideas and all. Believe me, as long as you do something like that, at least it won't be boring for ya. :D
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/02/11 | Reply
XD I remember dirt listening to that song then a month later everybody started to sing it lol
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/02/11 | Reply
LoL, that song definitely never gets old. xD
Sorry to hear for the boring classes. But you know, when surrounding is boring, then the strongest motivation awakens. In this case new version of Miku Hatsune! More like expressionist version of her.^^
It looks like your History teacher is some epic dude with his ideas and all. Believe me, as long as you do something like that, at least it won't be boring for ya. :D