This carefully padded world is dedicated to the fictional people in my head and their various opinions, outbursts, arguments, and out-of-conrol emotions. Just a brief overview of the characters in this twisted story:

Logic: the smart one. She has few emotions and cares very little about what others think as long as the logical course of action is being taken. Is willing to sacrifice happiness or other meaningless emotions in favor of academic success.

Rebellion (Reb): represents everything that one should not do. She swears constantly, has extreme violent outbursts, and does not really care what anyone else wants her to do. Just out for the thrill. Her solution for any situation is likely painful and violent.

Eros: the complete opposite of Logic. She is on emotional overload 24/7. Cannot live without constant emotional attention. Always stands up for the course of action that is emotionally best without examining the logical course. Not very bright, giggles, whines, and is continually beat up by Rebellion.

Denny: an adorable, golden retiever puppy that Eros found. This miniature canine also happens to be Rebellion's only known weakness.

Enjoy the madness!

It's Over

(Situation: Spring break has ended and so, as Eros believes, has her chance of finding romance. She is not taking it very well. Warning: contains some language ^^")

Eros (throwing hereslf dramatically over a chair): There's nothing left to live for!

Reb: Good. Now you can put yourself out of our misery.... or .... if you prefer ...... *wicked smile* I could do it for you.

Eros: Eep! Logic, Reb is being mean again!

Logic (turning a page in a book and sighing): Is that really such a surprise?

Reb: What the hell is that supposed to mean?!

Logic (closing her book): It means that you, my dear Rebellion, have unimaginable violent tendencies that you are not mentally able to suppress due to your lack of intellectual insight.

Reb: .... Did you just call me stupid?!

Eros: Guys! Ya'll have forgotten that I am in crisis!

Reb (more furious than usual): And you seem to have forgotten that no one gives a sh*t!

Eros bursts into tears.

Eros (still sobbing): But I may never find love!

Logic (returning to her book): Yes, and I may never find my place in this book since someone *shifts eyes toward Eros* used all my bookmarks to make clothes for her paper dolls.

Eros (wiping her tears angrily away): You two will never understand! You both are just too.... too.... insensitive!

The pathetic excuse for an alternate personality ran out of the room in a cloud of glitter. Rebellion yelled after her.

Reb: That was a pretty big word for your little brain! I'm surprised your head didn't explode!

Logic (thinking to self): I am surrounded by idiots and I'm never going to escape. Dear God, am I having a crisis too?

(Well, before Logic starts to question her purpose, which takes forever, I'll end the post, oh and btw i've been looking for random anime pictures on photobucket that look like my characters. so here's the one i found that looks kinda like how i pictured Logic:

