The Itsufer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/12/09 | Reply
hahahaha wow you got a basket...we haven't gotten baskets for several years...weirdo^-^
Ahh, yes I see you were lucky enough to get a feng shui cat...that one looks quite similar to a lucky one though 0.o Maybe they are all the same and only seperated by color...^-^ hehehehe. would be helpful if you at least knew which way was north or whatever...once you know one you can usually figure out where all the others are. Usually one of those silly memorization things...can't think of what they are called.
hahahaha, yes kika has made that quite a famous word hasn't she?? ^-^
Yes, it sad. I can't wait until it's over really. Of course, you will...I'm sure you'll try for a while but you'll eventually get to stressed with stuff and have little time for it. I could be wrong, but I doubt it^-^
1. Like any other day really^-^
2. HELL NO! I pity you for having to suffer that...tsk tsk.
Blood Moon Wolf
Bloody (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/12/09 | Reply
Well your lucky we never get easter baskets
1.MY EASTER SUCKS!!!DX Iggy is killing me and Rafie too!!DX D:
2.noo I didn't we aren't alloweeed!
The Itsufer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/12/09 | Reply
hahahaha wow you got a basket...we haven't gotten baskets for several years...weirdo^-^
Ahh, yes I see you were lucky enough to get a feng shui cat...that one looks quite similar to a lucky one though 0.o Maybe they are all the same and only seperated by color...^-^ hehehehe. would be helpful if you at least knew which way was north or whatever...once you know one you can usually figure out where all the others are. Usually one of those silly memorization things...can't think of what they are called.
hahahaha, yes kika has made that quite a famous word hasn't she?? ^-^
Yes, it sad. I can't wait until it's over really. Of course, you will...I'm sure you'll try for a while but you'll eventually get to stressed with stuff and have little time for it. I could be wrong, but I doubt it^-^
1. Like any other day really^-^
2. HELL NO! I pity you for having to suffer that...tsk tsk.
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/12/09 | Reply
Cool I don't get stuff anymore......
YES CHAQUETA!!!! thanks too me
1. fine
2. no