Welcome to my world! Since this is my introduction I'll tell you a little about me. (First off, I LOVE cats).
Name: Meroko
Age: 16
Birthday: October 25, 1993
Favorite Genre of Anime: Shojo
What I want to do when I grow up: Write! I love it so much.
NOTE: I'm a Christian. So please respect that.

List of Anime/Manga (A/M) I've watched/read (alphabetical order, stars by favorties, ^ by ones I've finished):
A-C: Air (A), Alice Academy/Gauken Alice (A/M), Angelic Layer (A), Card Captor Sakura (A/M), Chobits (A), Clannad (A)*
D-E: Digimon (my first Anime), DN Angel (A/M)*,
F-H: Full Moon Wo Sagashite (A/M) *^, Fruits Basket (A/M)*, Gentleman's Alliance Cross (M)*, Haruhi Suzumiya (A) *^
I-M: Inuyasha (A), ION (M), Kaledio Star (A), Kamikaze Katiou Jeanne (A/M), Kimi Ni Todoke*, Kitchen Princess (M), Lucky Star (A) *^, Magic Knight Rayearth (A/M), Mamotte! Lollipop (M), Marmalade Boy (A), Mermaid Melody (A/M), Mink (M), Myself; Yourself (A)
N-R: Nyan Koi*, Ouran High School Host Club*^ (A), Peach Girl*^ (A)
S-Z: Sailor Moon (A), School Rumble (A), Special A (A) Spiral (A), Tokyo Mew Mew (A/M), True Tears (A) *^, Tsubasa (A/M) Ultra Maniac (A/M) *^, White Album*, Whisper of the Heart movie (A)*
Total Anime: 30 Total Manga: 17 Total Anime/Manga: 33

Gnomes like apples

I haven't posted in like a week, so I decided it was definately time to post again. I love posting, reading your comments is so much fun. Just one month of school left! Three...

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