A place for my random babbles and complaints along with images.

Humanities Exam.. over!

Just as the title says! Yes! That's another exam down with only two more to go! English exam is tomorrow and Science is on Monday. The Humanities exam was okay; I mean it was really simple in the beginning with the French verb conjugations, but then it became slightly harder is some areas where I didn't study as much. The Napolean and French revolution parts were alright, though I wished I looked over the New France and the Philosophers more. Oh well... I did what I could do.

I received my Math exam mark that I did on Monday and the mark isn't as high as I would've liked it (70%)... but since I did well throughout the whole year and including this term, I'll still end up with an A of 87% average. Anyway, I made another section in Worlds, which will be my fanfiction corner. I also post my fanfics on fanfiction.net, but I'd also like to have them here as well. And speaking of fanfics, there's my newest one which haven't been updated for a LONG while. I'd do it right away, but at the moment, I'm at a shortage of ideas and my exams are still here, so I'll have to wait for them to pass before doing anything, though, that may just be my excuse of being such a lazy writer.

Oh! Before I forget, my friends and I are deciding to cosplay as Vampire Knight people for Halloween this year, though I checked it out on eBay and the outfit was like 80$+, which is quite expensive. I think making it might turn out to be even more expensive, but I enjoy the challenge of sewing, so I'll probably choose to sew. I'm planning on cosplaying as Kaname, so that way, I won't have to use much hair dye (my hair is black). I really do wish I was taller, but I cannot help that, so I'll just have to make do.

Here's the outfit:

Random Drabbles..

*sigh... one LONG day is finally over. In school today, I had my math final exam and it was horrible. D=< The first few parts were easy enough, but then later on came the stuff that I wished I went over more clearly. It was a very long one hour... but at least it's finally over. I think even if I don't do as well as I'd like on the exam, I might still get that A since I have a 93% for this term.

Tonight is Awards Night, something that I'm looking forward to. Even though I'm just getting two small awards ('G' effort and Honor Roll), it's still better than nothing. However, I think it'll also be a long night since I'll be watching all of those other people get the special awards like 'Best Athlete' and so. But oh well..

Anyway, pic of the day goes to my one of my favorite bands:
