ATOMIC CLOVER: Updated version

THE FIFTH ISLAND OF ARCANTHA PT 1: Lydn and the Pomi Stone of Sala
Waking up in the middle of the night was all Bara did, and so for the remainder of the night he just lay there awake. He turns over and looks through the dark out to the entrance of the tunnel. As he stares out he sees two bright blue/white flashes flying throughout the sky. The lights seem majestic; magical in a way and it makes Bara smile brightly. He gets up from his bedding area and heads towards the tunnel entrance and looks out at the lights flying through the sky. Suddenly it seems the lights, which he can see has four pairs of bright sparkling reddish black eyes, sees him standing at the side rail entrance. They move towards Bara and as they move closer and closer Bara notices the ridges on their backs and realizes that they aren’t lights at all. They are full grown Sapis. One lands in front of Bara and the other lands behind him crouching low and forming a circle with its body. Bara is laughing by now at the wonder that is before his eyes and realizes they are here.

You’re here for Yuki and I aren’t you? Did Tog call for the two of you?

One Sapi, the female it seems, for she had higher ridges than the male and they were green, nodded and smiled at Bara with kind eyes. The male Sapi, who has smaller dark yellowish blue ridges looks at Bara and forms his thoughts into Bara’s mind.

Male Sapi:
Hello little one. We are Togs parents. Though we have let our son fly on his own we are always watching over him making sure that he is okay and being well taken care of. We no longer exist on this plane, but as the spirits of Sidia and Charma’s animal forms we can exist to those that are in need of our help. Tog knows how to call us and it seems that you do as well.

Bara in bewilderment:
I know…how…to call you? I didn’t know I’d called you to begin with. This is all so new to me.

Female Sapi:
Well my dear your spirit knows the call. We answer the call and we come to you in this form. Think of us as Sidia and Charma. Remember Bara you have the mark of a spirit caller. You can call on Sidia and Charma in any form. It seems you’ve called to us in this form. You needed wings and here we are to provide just that.

Wait. So what happened at the fountain—?

Female Sapi:
It was the awakening of the Four Clans. You will learn more once you reach your destination and not a moment sooner. Right now you will rest up until morning the journey from here on out only gets more complicated. You must have all your strength, for when the time comes you will be greatly needed.

I can’t believe this is all real. Are my friends and I in any danger?

Male Sapi:
You will learn of your fates when the time comes. Come now, rest up. You’ve got a long day ahead of you.

Bara walks over to the one behind him, the male Sapi, and lies in its curled up body falling asleep just as soon as he lays his head down on the warm body. By morning Fazil, Casee, and Yuki are up and about getting ready for the trip. Fazil had come up with a plan to get all four of them across. It seemed pretty good to Casee and Yuki now they needed to tell Bara, but he wasn’t anywhere to be found.

Hey where did Bara go? I know he wouldn’t just wander off like that.

Maybe he left for good. At least that’s what I keep dreaming he’d do.

Casee frowning at Yuki:
Don’t be mean he’s one of us, Yuk.

If you say so, let’s go find the troublemaker.

They look around the tunnel and wonder if he’s gone wandering off around the tunneling system. They hope he hasn’t and dare not go lurking around the underground tunnel way. Fazil decides to look out the entrance way and sees two large creatures lying before him with small Bara nesting on one comfortably. He smiles and calls the others to come and take a look. Tog comes up from behind Fazil as Yuki and Casee run up to the entrance. As Tog flies over to the grown Sapis Casee and Yuki stare in amazement wondering when they had arrived.

Yuki with a big bright smile:
Hey! Those are Tog’s parents. They left him with me when Tog had just learned to fly. Sometimes he goes off to some place in the mountains where Sapis grow and learn to be spirit receivers. It’s meant for people like Bara. I haven’t seen them since I was nine.

Wow so they are here because--?

Bara’s spirit called out to them. They are a holy animal form of Sidia and Charma. This is so cool. Amazing!!

"A" animal form? So, what are there others?

I’m not really sure. Togs parents told me about Tog when they dropped him off to me.

Okay, cool. So what are they here for?

Well let’s go see. They are waking up now since Tog is there playing with the one with the yellow black ridges.

That’s his dad. His name is Appa and the other one is Gaia.

I can’t believe you know so much about this and didn’t even tell us.

Well I don’t think it would have mattered until it really needed to be brought up. I guess now it needs to be brought up.

Yuki shrugs off Casee and walks over to the three Sapis and Bara. Casee makes a face and walks off towards the Sapis after Yuki. Yuki begins petting Appa who nuzzles him back as Gaia kisses her son on the cheek then nuzzles him warmly. Fazil and Casee walk up and stare in complete wonder. Bara looks at them and smiles knowingly waiting for them to speak.

So exactly why are they here Bara?

Bara excitedly:
They are our rides to the Fifth Island. Since you and Casee have wings and Yuki and I don’t they have offered to carry us on their backs while you two fly.

Fazil a bit taken aback:
Wow that’s pretty cool. My idea sucks compared to this one. I was just to suggest that Casee and I carry you and Yuki to the Fifth Island since we have wings!

Yeah that idea does suck once you put it up against this one.

fazil feeling a bit down about his idea:
Well, you don’t have to shoot it down like that, Yuk.

Yuki sympathetically:
Yeah, sorry Fazil, man. (shaking off the sympathy just as quickly as he felt it) I want to ride Gaia she can do dives!

Bara laughing a little:
Fine by me. I just want to ride them because this is cool. This is beyond cool!This is beyond cool! I get to ride a holy animal!

Fazil sounding a bit excited:
This is really cool! I’m still shocked that they are even here helping us in the first place.

Casee in a small voice:
Hey do we get a chance to ride?

If you would like to then you are welcome to. We are here to assist you four on this journey.

But why?

You’re not getting anything out of them, Fazil, I tried.

When did you try?

Last night when they showed up. I couldn’t sleep so I went and stood by the entrance way when I saw these two bright lights in the sky. They both had blackish red eyes that glowed so brightly. Then they landed here and I slept in Appa’s arms. It was awesome. Their scales feel like water when you touch it.

Fazil smiling brightly at Bara:
Well I’m glad you had an awesome night, but now it’s time for us to head on out. We’ve got ground to cover. We need to be on Lydn before dark otherwise the Island itself disappears behind the dark clouds that come down from the mountains every night. We might need to camp out there so everyone bring what you need and nothing more.

Isn’t that place deserted?

Well not exactly. There are people who inhabit the place but mainly in the main village, Colith.

Oh but we’re not going nowhere near Colith. We’re headed to a smaller village that is deserted. Only ruins of what used to be dwell there.

Well, I’m ready. Let’s go.

Yeah I’m not so sure about this, but since I don’t have choice…

You’re going to have to grow a backbone and fast Yuk. We’re going to need you to stand with us. Bara, are you ready? Bara? Bara?

Bara is already on the male Sapi ready to go. Fazil looks up and laughs bringing his wings from their place between his shoulder blades. Casee, whose wings are a pinkish red with decorated lines, does the same as Fazil while Yuki awkwardly mounts Gaia. Togs sits in his hair as the two large dragon-like creatures rise and take off the ground from the tunnel entrance. Fazil and Casee are not far behind flying through the air like little angels. As they fly through the air Yuki and Bara look down and see Crale and Traal below looking like miniature towns meant to be played by children. Casee looks ahead and sees the mountains and not too far below them is the Fifth Island, Lydn. She calls out to Fazil who looks at where she’s now pointing.

The Fifth Island is right below us. I see the village where the ruins are we should land there.

That’s a good idea. It looks secluded like no one has been there since forever.

That is because no one has. We’ll be the first in centuries to stay there. After the plague on Clover many fled to the Fifth Island to Zeha, the small village we’re going to. After they arrived they all died, but unlike Clover, Zeha wasn’t cut off from the rest of the island it was just merely left alone. The houses fell to ruin and the land was left unattended.

Casee feeling sad:
All this knowledge is just so saddening. Is it like what I saw in my eyes back at Sala’s fountain?

It is exactly like that. I’m sorry that you four are incredibly young, but Arcantha needs you. Sidia and Charma want to reunite the Four Heads of the Four Clans and you four the vessels for this. Sidia Cries while Charma sits still they dare more from the heavens to help those that wish to harm others. Since you four ran away a pathway was set for you; a destiny.

What is our mission exactly?

To punish those who have done wrong; to right the wrongs of so many decades done. Your spirit shadow colors now belong to the Head God and Goddess of Arcantha.

The four of them are silent upon landing on Lydn’s smallest village Zeha. Fazil and Casee store their wings within their shoulder blades once more then begin walking about the village taking it all in. Yuki and Bara soon join the two wondering what was to come next. They take their possessions and begin setting up camp. Tog and his parents curl up in balls and fall fast asleep while the four children hatch out a plan to find the Pomi stone.

So what exactly does this stone do?

I think it’s supposed to help us see Clover so that we may access it.

Yeah but the only way to find Clover is to not even try to access it at all. “You find what you are looking for when you are no longer in need to find it”.

That’s what the book says. Still why do we need the stone?

Casee with a sudden idea:
Remember when Bara saw Sala’s fountain smiling at him? She had her arms out just like she did on Crale. In one hand she’s holding the Arcanthian seal in the other something is missing.

The stone is missing. That means the seal wasn’t a seal at all. The stone and the seal in her hand form to become her weapon. Or at least it did. It represents what she did for the Arcantha in fighting. It also represents her love for Sidia.

Wow you’ve really caught on to this stuff huh? At any rate it does make sense when you put it that way. So that means Sala is the protector of Clover. What is Clover supposed to be?

It is the Holy Island housing the Holy gates, the four Holy Fountains, and the Holy castle. I think we’re supposed to go there to bring out a punishment to those who’ve done wrong, but who are these “bad people?

Bara sadly:
They are our parents, Fazil. They are the parents of other children who are going through the same things we’ve gone through. We need that stone. We have to get to Clover.

Gaia to Appa:
Bara really is special. He’s finally starting to realize this. Although, they aren’t to punish just people who treat the children of Arcantha wrong they are to punish all who treat our great World wrong; peace must be restored one way or another.

Gaia rubs her head against Tog’s and smiles at Appa. Appa smiles back then rests his head on his body once more.


The children of Arcantha are the key to the future. They are our leaders, our teachers, and our explorers to new lands and new possibilities. They will unite us greatly, or become our World’s undoing.

Bara sitting up suddenly:
Someone is in my head.

You’re not the only one who’s spooked by those creepy words. I heard them to.

Bara and Yuki are the only ones sitting up in the middle of the night trying to figure out why they are the only ones to hear the voice in their heads. Bara looks around him trying to see if he sees anyone lingering about trying to harm them in any way. Yuki just looks scared.

I think it has something to do with how we find that stone. It said something about the children of Arcantha being the key to the future. That means wherever that stone lies is some place where children can learn the ways of the Arcanthian people.

That does make sense. But where would children of Arcantha learn the ways of this world?

Right here in this very village. It’s the closest to Clover. But we’re not looking for the stone here. We’re looking for the pathway to Clover. The stone never left.

How did you figure that one out?

Because, Clover is the Holy Island of Arcantha. The Four Clans used to gather there to worship Sidia and Charma. Also the mountains are the closest to the Sixth Island. All four fountains are there and the castle that sits on four steps of different colors; the colors of the clans’ members. We were looking for it here because it said it was located here. All that’s located here is the pathway leading to some secret way to get to Clover Island.

So where do you think the stone is on the island?

Somewhere on the Holy grounds. It never left the gates, but someone did try and take it. That would be the person who created the plague in the first place.

Baarda is said to be responsible for it. He had help, so that means the helper took it. That’s what was burning and disappeared. It was Baarda’s helper he’d died in Clover after being killed by the people, but his soul went to Baarda because more than likely he cut a deal with him while he was alive.

How do you figure this?

Because my father would always tell my mother that she’s in league with Baarda for having a son like me. I didn’t understand that until now. Baarda had help. The stone lies somewhere where the helper fell and disappeared.

This is creeping me out! Let’s go back to sleep and we can discuss this more in the daylight.

Good idea.

They both turn over and try to go back to sleep. All this has hit them rather hard causing them to be scared of what was to come. It was all becoming one big scary mission hat they weren’t truly ready for, but needed to be. Bara closes his eyes repeating the small saying that popped into his head. Yuki just closes his eyes and tries to block the words from his mind. In the morning they would tell Fazil and Casee of what they discovered. They would go to Clover Island finally and find the Pomi stone of Sala.