ATOMIC CLOVER: Updated version

LYDN ISLAND AND THE POMI STONE PT 2: The Pathway To The Holy Island

All night Bara and Yuki tossed and turned, and despite Bara’s words, they’d awakened very restless and very cranky. Casee notices and wonders what’s with them but says nothing. They all roll up their things and pack it into the bags that they have brought with them. Tog and his parents are fully awake and ready for what’s to come, but before they begin the next part of their journey through Lydn, Yuki and Bara has something to tell Casee and Fazil.

Guys Bara and I need to tell you something. It’s really weird but it may help us out while we look for the stone.

Before they speak Yuki and Bara look from Fazil to Casee who gives them a nod to go ahead and tell their story.

Bara starting out slowly:
Okay…for some reason or another…last night these words pop into Yuki’s head and my head.

Fazil trying to follow their words:
Like the exact same words; like you two are hearing the same thing?

Exactly! The thing is that it kept us awake and we started talking about what it could mean.

Well what were the words exactly?

It said something about Arcanthian children being the key to the future…something more to it but I forgot.

Bara repeating the saying word for word:
The children of Arcantha are the key to the future. They are our leaders, our teachers, and our explorers to new lands and new possibilities. They will unite us greatly, or become our World’s undoing. That’s what the voice said last night. It was in a deep whisper as each word popped into my mind.

You actually memorized that after only one night?

Well it kept repeating in my head all night. I couldn’t sleep because of it.

Well that is strange. So from those words what did you conclude?

We’ve come to the conclusion of what our purpose is; what mission we’re supposed to carry out. Fully.

We’re supposed to help right all the wrongs of Arcantha and restore peace to our World. We are the ones who punish the guilty; we’re to punish people that treat children the way we’ve been treated.

Fazil not really following:
That’s what I said before we went to sleep, but I mean, how exactly how did you come to this conclusion?

Well because of the saying. The children are a great deal here. We’re the ones who have to grow and carry out the ways of Arcantha. We are the ones that will either divide or unite our World. Not only that, but the words seems to be leading us to the stone without really saying where it is located. We had to figure that one out on our own.

Fazil lighting up after hearing the mention of the stone:
Well how do you know how to find the stone? Where is it located exactly?

That’s the thing. The stone is located on Clover Island. It’s not here at all. We’re here to discover the path to Clover. There probably isn’t a rail or a clear cut path that leads to Clover Island since it has been cut off from the rest of Arcantha.

Casee in a shocked voice:
Wow! We were way off it seems. I thought it would be among the ruins here on Lydn. Okay so what else did you discover?

Well we’ve also discovered that Baarda had help. There had to be someone who was able to move through the Holy Gates and take the stone. That would be the “something” burning that Fazil saw in his eyes. It was Baarda’s helper being burned, but then he disappeared which means that Baarda had taken his soul. The helper had to have made a deal with Baarda before he died.

Okay hold it this is getting a bit crazy for me! I’m trying to follow you and Yuki, but I can’t seem to grasp everything that you two are saying. I mean it doesn’t fully make sense.

Okay pay attention: We have to restore Clover and restore the World of Arcantha. We also have to stop Baarda from trying to come back and taking over. He still has power to do so. He has the soul of his helper who he can send out at any time, but sense he didn’t know when the Four Clans would be restored, or how they would be restored, he couldn’t send him out. On that island is something for us to find. The stone itself is there somewhere near Sala. It was used as her weapon in battle. The only one who would know this is Baarda. He wanted the stone to try and take down the Four Clans and ultimately Sidia and Charma. He was, and still is, looking for a way into the Heavens.

Man that’s a lot to grasp, but, well it all makes a great deal of sense now. It’s all starting to come together. So how do we find this path to Clover?

We look amongst the ruins that lie here. It is the place that the people who survived the plague fled to. That’s why we have been brought to this very spot in this village.

Fazil with a deep sigh:
Okay, guys we’ve got a lot of ground to cover so I say we go into the main village and get something to eat then we get started on finding that path.

I’m okay with that idea. I’m starving!

You and me both.

What are we going to do about Tog and his parents?

Sapis don’t need to eat. They are nothing but Spirit Guides they need not feed on the sustenance of life because they are life. They are also death if you will.

That’s why they aren’t really alive they really don’t exist on this plane except to guide others to where they need to be. So Tog will grow in this manner huh?

Yeah he will. I think he’s our Spirit Guide. They receive a call mainly from people like you Bara, and they come to guide and advise us.

I see that Tog’s parents have taught you everything you know about Sapis. That’s so cool.

Yeah and I also know about the other holy animal forms of Sidia and Charma. They each belong to the specific clan.

Wait there are animals that reflect who we are to?! What are they?

I’m not exactly sure because Gaia and Appa keep saying things like “In time you will know”, and “Let it go little one. Don’t rush destiny”. So I’ve stopped asking.

That all sounds like it’s worth waiting to know. But I’m hungry and I don’t feel like using my brain until I’ve had some food in my stomach.

Well once we hit the main village lets find the fountain and we can sit there near it and eat.

Gaia speaking up:
I’m sorry to inform you but the Fountain here has been removed. It no longer represents a symbol on Lydn. They are terrified of it and wish to remain silent about it.

Wait, why was the fountain removed and why are they scared of an object that shoots water? I thought every fountain was holy.

Since the plague they wish to have every relic removed. In their on way they worship Sidia and Charma, but they have no relics of any kind here to symbolize their beliefs.

But Sidia and Charma didn’t create the plague.

No, they did not, but everyone died from it and they feel as though Sidia and Charma were powerless to stop it. They believe that someone took their power so they had the fountain removed because the fountain is in some form a vessel that can be accessed if the wrong person knows just the way to do it.

Baarda huh?


But Sidia and Charma aren’t powerless.

Well in some ways they are. They can’t help those that wish harm on others. They can only guide them to the right path and hope that they take it.

Wow, still where are the flowers of the dead? There are none anywhere around here.

Appa speaking up now:
Their spirits haven’t fully moved on. They linger here around us waiting to be freed from this plane.

Yuki becoming spooked:
That’s why Bara and I heard voices in our heads last night. Okay I want to go back home and never leave the tunnel again!

Yuki you can’t hide from yourself, you have to face this head on and deal with it.

Oh young one, it’s only going to get scarier from here on out. There is no going back you’re to close to turn back around. You can do it Yuki. I believe in you.

Thanks Appa, but I’m not so sure I believe in myself. This is scary stuff.

Why don’t we eat first and worry about the scary stuff later?

Yuki sulking a little:
Fine. Let’s go eat.

They walk off towards Colith while Tog and his parents stay behind. As they walk into the village the people there look frightened and dare not go near them. Fazil is put off by this as he walks up to a vendor with hot food to sell.

We’d like four plates please?

Go back where you came from you’re not wanted around here. We know why you’re here and we wish you all would just go back and leave well enough alone.

What do you mean? We’re just here to get something to eat. We’re only kids.

No here we can see the auras of others. The four of you have very strong auras we wish to remain distant from you. I’m sorry but you must go, now!

But can’t we please have some food sir? We’ll leave as soon as we get something to eat.

Fine take your fill and leave. I will not give this warning twice.

Fazil, Yuki, and Bara shrug their shoulders as Casee looks sadden by the man’s outburst. This was weird considering they’d just landed there and didn’t know a soul in town, yet they knew who they were and why they were there. Still they don’t want to cause anymore trouble so they get their food and leave the village at once. Upon returning to Zeha they report this to Gaia and Appa.

Well the four of you have very strong shadow colors that some who are powerful themselves know about. The people here wish to stay away from this. They do not wish to catch the backlash of what’s to come.

But what’s to come?! I’m getting the feeling that something bad is going to happen before something good does.

Gaia with a heavy sigh:
Well then Fazil, you would be correct on that thought. We’re dealing with a lot and I know it’s a heavy thing to take in, but you four have the power to do it!

See now when I want to give up it’s not okay, but now Fazil you see what we’re up against and you’re not so sure yourself.

That is because a vendor told us out right that they don’t want to deal with us. We aren’t welcomed here because of who we are and we’re supposed to do. This is no longer fun for me.

This was never supposed to be fun Fazil; it was supposed to be a discovery of who we are.

Casee what do you think?

Casee lost in thought coming back:
Huh? Oh, I’m sorry I was thinking about what the vendor said. I think we are the key to the secret path to Clover. I bet if we find the markings of our clans we can find that path and get onto that forbidden island…


Searching the whole village of Zeha wasn’t such an easy task. Yuki rubs sweat from his forehead while Bara fans himself wildly trying to get some air onto his skin. Fazil is still looking over the ruins that lay to the west of them with no luck. Casee, however, still searches fervently.

Fazil to Casee:
You’re going to pass out trying to over do it.

But I will have found what I’m looking for in the process. (After a minute of searching) Hey! Come here a minute there’s something under this stone well next to this small cottage. It says “Atala Turpi” what does that mean?

Well Atala is the Holy Fountain of the Sinth Clan and the Turpi is the animal form of that Clan. It also means North since Atala’s fountain lies to the North of the Holy Grounds.

Casee getting excited:
Okay now we’re getting somewhere!! Guys we need to keep looking. Look north of this well and tell me what you see?

Bara looking out towards the north:
I see another well next to yet another cottage.

Okay go to it and tell me what that one says on it.

Bara walks over slowly slumped over from being tired. He walks around the well, peers down to look for a symbol of any kind that will give them another clue to the island. He spots something and rubs the dirt away to read it better.

This one says “Toma Kanpi” which one is this?

That one is Toma the Holy Fountain of the Fortuth Clan and Kanpi is the animal form. It also means West.

Fazil that’s where you’re standing!! You are West of Bara go to the next well and tell me what that one says. I’m keeping track of the way we have to go. More than likely we have to go through those trees over there.

I don’t do scary woods Casee.

Hush Yuk! You’re going to be fine. Now, Fazil tell me what that one says.

Fazil walks over to the fountain and does the same thing as Bara. He stoops down blowing the dirt away to read it better.

This one says, oh cool, it says Sala Sapi. That stands for the Traith Clan doesn’t it?

That is exactly right. It also means South.

Okay so Yuki I think you can handle this one go south and tell me what the next well says. If I’m correct this is based on the Holy fountains; the waters that are pure and clean—clear enough for us to see our way along the path to Clover.

The girl knows how to use her brain! Move it Yuki dear, we’ve got an Island to find.

Yuki moves in slow motion taking his time to get to the next well. He then bends down and lazily reads out the next words on it.

This one says “Balka Gaapi”. What Clan is that from?

You should know Yuki you’ve read up on all the clans.

Yeah but I haven’t read up on my fountains Fazil I don’t know who Balka is or the animal that goes with it.

Well I wasn’t told anything about this from my mother. She told me as much as she knew.

Casee becoming a bit frustrated:
It’s for the Nameth Clan. We don’t have anyone here from that Clan but it doesn’t matter we need to look for the last symbol on the last well so we can get off this stupid island. It’s hot out here!

Appa laughing:
Okay well Balka of course is the fountain and Gaapi is the animal form. It also means East.

Casee starts pacing these steps and finds stones appearing before her eyes on the ground. They shimmer clearly as each one appears with each step she takes. They take her to the trees that Yuki so desperately does not want to enter, but follows anyway. As Casee gets closer to the trees suddenly she disappears from sight. This makes Yuki stop in his tracks, as well as Fazil and Bara. They look around and at each other and wonder what has happened.

Yuki shrieking hysterically:
Okay so there’s no way I’m going in there. She just completely disappeared!!!! I’m not trying to disappear!

For once I’m with Yuki! What is going on here?

Casee suddenly pokes her head out to tell them to follow her she has something to show them. Fazil who has been silent walks past Yuki and Bara and disappears from sight as well.

Guys you must follow the path in order to find out your destiny from here. It’s okay you won’t disappear.

You better be right, Gaia, I’m scared enough.

I know dear now go.

She nudges the both of them with her nose into the invisible place that has swallowed both their friends up already. As they pass through there is a cool feeling that makes Yuki and Bara feel calm. They step through and find themselves in a large courtyard with a large statue sitting in front of them. It is huge and very beautiful.

Bara in a surprised tone:
It’s Sidia and Charma!

Oh my goddess!

Casee laughing:
See! I told you I had something to show you guys. We’ve made it to Clover Island. We passed through the barrier that was put up. More than likely Sidia and Charma took away the side rail to Clover and put the veil up in its place. And look over there. There’s the gate’s entrance and the sign we saw hanging over it. We’ve made it guys! We made it Clover Island.
Yeah now all we have to is find the stone and we’ll be all set. Where’s Fazil?

I don’t know. Hey where’s Bara?

I don’t know but they’ve both disappeared they were just right here. Where’d they go?

Yuki waits for Casee to say something, but when there’s no answer he looks around to find that he was no longer standing in front of Sidia and Charma’s stone likeness anymore. He was in front of a small fountain looking at Fazil stand there in a trance.

Yuki walking up to Fazil:
Fazil what’s going on what are you—

Before Yuki can say anymore Fazil shakes his head for him not to step any closer to him, but it is too late! Yuki is spun around the other side of the statue to stare at the backside of the Holy fountain. He looks around to see Fazil crying black tears and notice that he is doing the same thing.

What is going on?

I don’t know but I can’t free my hands from these holes in the fountain. Have you noticed them before?

No I haven’t because I don’t really go near them unless it’s the one on Feerial!

Yuki looks down to find that his hands are also stuck in tow holes in the fountain. He then wonders if Casee and Bara are going through the same thing him and Fazil are going through.

It seems that we’ve been separated, but since you and I are in the same clan then it makes sense for us to be together.

Fazil still trying to free himself from the fountain:
Yeah that does make sense but right now this doesn’t and I want it to let me go.

Well at least they are nicely decorated.

Yuki shut up! We are stuck in a fountain and we can’t get free of it! This is no time to make jokes.

Fine then how are we going to get—

Without warning both he and Fazil feel a jolt of a current of some kind run through them with full force. They are thrown backwards hard on the ground and are in suck great pain that they can’t move. Fazil falls unconscious and Yuki tries to sit up but finds that he can’t he lays back down and is knocked out. Near the North and South of the Holy grounds Casee and Bara are in the same situation as Fazil and Yuki. They have all been knocked out and are completely unconscious. They lay there unmoving with black tears running down their cheeks freeing the spirits of Clover Island…