PAST DUE; Momo's Second Riddle:

Date: September 28, 2013
Time Is: 6:00PM

Shelter and flight.


Date: September 27, 2013
Time Is: 4:00PM

Runs, but cannot walk, sometimes sings but never talks. Lacks arms, has hands; lacks a head but has a face.

Past Dues and Extended Posts:


It seems there are a few posts that are Past Due. I am sorry to say if I do not hear something from the ones that are past due By 8:00PM tomorrow. That is:

Date: October 01, 2013
Time: 8:00PM

I will have to change your riddle. Just PM me or leave a comment for me. Or I will have to change your riddle. That is only fair.

The ones that have been extended I hope to be seeing your posts soon.

I have enjoy reading everyones posts in this little part of the Bleach RP Arc. You all are incredible writers with some awesome imaginations. I am so happy and proud as to have been a part of it. Even if it was for a short time *smiles*.

I do have ONE question though...

How many of you searched your riddle online for the answer?

I don't care if you did. I just want to know *grins*

Thanks again for having me in the RP. Your a great bunch to RP with. It was lots of fun and I will be waiting for the last few riddle posts to be rolling in.


What's in Store Will be NO Bore


((I hated to use this image for what I look like *if you know Batman you know this person*, but it was the closest I could come. She is playful and evil and that's what I need you guys to see me as. So this is now me *grins* live with it))

External Image

Keep your eyes open,
As well has your mind.
For what I am bringing you,
You can't deny.

But if you do miss this,
And even the next.
The object you're missing,
Just might be dismiss.

*twirls on toes in mid air and bows to you* I look forward to Riddling you all. I surely do hope you all find what is yours *grins*
