LOL! XD In my last dream I punched someone I really don't like in the face, then snuggled with mah special someone XD But chess with darth vadar might be like
"In a game of strategy
Its darth vadar
Against me
Who will win?
I do not know
But its my turn
here I go...."
XDDDDD And then it depends on who won afterwards X3
Thats so neat :D I can almost never remember my dreams, and its amazing to me that you remembered so much of yours XD
I think its cool how your dreams a poem -w- Thats the kinda thing I wana do when I grow up XD
Punk Prince (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/16/10 | Reply
LOL! XD In my last dream I punched someone I really don't like in the face, then snuggled with mah special someone XD But chess with darth vadar might be like
"In a game of strategy
Its darth vadar
Against me
Who will win?
I do not know
But its my turn
here I go...."
XDDDDD And then it depends on who won afterwards X3
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/15/10 | Reply
i'd try to make a poem of my latest dream but, how do make a poem about playing chess with darth vader?
Punk Prince (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/15/10 | Reply
Thats so neat :D I can almost never remember my dreams, and its amazing to me that you remembered so much of yours XD
I think its cool how your dreams a poem -w- Thats the kinda thing I wana do when I grow up XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/15/10 | Reply
thanks. the whole poem was a dream i had and it was confusing to start with anyways ^-^'
Punk Prince (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/15/10 | Reply
Dude that is an awesome poem :DDD Though it confused me lD
Nice job!