Welcome to my third world of none other than....Pokemon! :D I will be posting pictures, updates on Pokemon stuffers and my favorite game as of right now: Pokemon Black :3 Enjoy~ ^^
- Created By NeKo MoonShine
Sparklyyyyy *w*
I found these to be cool and I might use one of them as my bg for this world >w> But which one should I use?owo ...Eeveelutions -FULL-
All I can say is...why wasn't I this creative with names?:I Well except for Fluffeon.xD Like...isn't there anything better?lol
Pokememes are awesome anyways.lol
Also...ME WANT.;3;
*flails* oAo ME WANT!
*drools* :< Sooo I made my version aaaand they suck.xD Compared to these, holy crap. I wish these were in the game(s) I mean if they make more Pokemon games, these should sooo totally be in them.o^o They're so cool. *stares* Why..oh why can't they be real?DX
Types(in order): Normal, fighting, poison, ground, flying, bug, rock, ghost, dragon and steel.
Holy chicken poodle soup. ME WANT. It's a freakin' tease man. TEASE.>( Ish not right.
Tell me which one is your favorite.:> Mine would be flying and dragon types.=w= Cute and awesome.lol
Eeveelution Christmas
Guess what people? There are only 3 days til Christmas..can you believe it? These years just keep whizzing by.oAo Next thing you know New Year's will be here (which it will be..just faster than you think it would be) Who's ready for 2012? Anybody have any resolutions in mind yet?owo
So to celebrate Christmas, here is a cute pic of the Eeveelution family~