Welcome to my third world of none other than....Pokemon! :D I will be posting pictures, updates on Pokemon stuffers and my favorite game as of right now: Pokemon Black :3 Enjoy~ ^^
- Created By NeKo MoonShine
Pokemon Black update
Just a couple new additions and evolved forms to mention.:>
New additions:
Sandslash lvl. 47~~~Nickname: None
Maractus lvl. 20~~~Nickname: None
Rotom lvl. 60~~~Nickname: None
Cubchoo lvl. 33~~~Nickname: None
Doduo lvl. 44~~~Nickname: None
(Can someone help me with nicknames?lol)
Deino ---> Zweilous lvl. 52
Litwick ---> Lampent lvl. 58
Fraxure ---> Haxorus lvl. 52
And that seems about it, all I'm really doing is leveling up my strongest right now to re-face the Elite 4. But I have tooons more Pokemon to level up and evolve.@.@ Ridiculous.lol
Anyways, tootles~
Fully evolved Pokemon starters
I stumbled upon this and I was like.."daaaang, that's awesome" xD so I just had to save it. And I did. Now I'm posting it to show you all. Enjoy~ :3