Welcome to my third world of none other than....Pokemon! :D I will be posting pictures, updates on Pokemon stuffers and my favorite game as of right now: Pokemon Black :3 Enjoy~ ^^
- Created By NeKo MoonShine
I struck gold 8D
Juuuuust kidding.lol Although I do have a 23 karat gold pokemon card intact in a pokeball.83
Seen here:
(Not a picture of mine)
And my dad has this one:
(Not a picture of my dad's either)
Can you believe it's been that long? 1999-2012. Freakin' 13 years.=w= Oh how time flies.lol
Breaking Da--- o-o WTF
lol Jigglypuff.x3 I just had to post this. Also, if you're curious on where I find these pics, here is the site: http://www.pokememes.memebase.com
Enjoy teh lulz~ (sorry Blake, I stole your saying lol)
There's a DSlite and Gameboy color in there somewhere
One's pink and the other a purplish-blue color, can you spot zem?x3 I know..it's too easy..plus this is more for the pokemon side of the post, considering this is a world of pokemon.lol So just enjoy the pic~ :3