Hello, hello. My name is Xan and I will be your host this evening. Tonight we are serving Boring Life Problems, SHAMELESS Self Promotion, Conceited Blathering, and Mainly Stupid Stuff. Our most popular wine is Why Me. May I seat you?

Feel free to browse but try not to carouse! I hope you enjoyed my pun up there, because I sure did. Here's some boring facts about moi:

  • Not a chick
  • Not a dude
  • So stfu
  • I love you! ily, ilu, <3
  • I am the Prince of Punk

There's really not much else to say. In my past-time I sleep and draw ugly pictures. Sometimes I write stupid words, which you can see in my only other world "Ugh Just Some Words." Otherwise I'm just a piece of trash weeb.


Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudes! OMG!!! Lishen to dese songsh!!! They are awesome! It doesn't seem like this Avicii guy is that well known, though... so spread teh LUFF!!! He has awesome stuff!!! Of course, I've only listened to 2 of his songs, but... yeah. XD This first one is called Penguin, the original mix of it.... no words! :D

This one is called ID, and it's the original mix of it, also... it's pretty cool too. >w< I haven't listened to all of this song, but it's sooooooooo awesome!!!! You just gotta' listen, man... XD

And then, heres the two put together; it's the version I think I heard on the radio, and it's aweshum!!!! >w<

Sadly, I couldn't find any without that stupid radio thing in the middle.... buuuut oh well. XD I like this vid. the best... XDXDXD
