Hello, hello. My name is Xan and I will be your host this evening. Tonight we are serving Boring Life Problems, SHAMELESS Self Promotion, Conceited Blathering, and Mainly Stupid Stuff. Our most popular wine is Why Me. May I seat you?

Feel free to browse but try not to carouse! I hope you enjoyed my pun up there, because I sure did. Here's some boring facts about moi:

  • Not a chick
  • Not a dude
  • So stfu
  • I love you! ily, ilu, <3
  • I am the Prince of Punk

There's really not much else to say. In my past-time I sleep and draw ugly pictures. Sometimes I write stupid words, which you can see in my only other world "Ugh Just Some Words." Otherwise I'm just a piece of trash weeb.


Ni hao!!
I should definitely be sleeping right now.... buuuut.... oh well!
I signed up for an awesome RP >w< it was one of the ads on here, called Legend of Edda.... and I fell for it. >w< It just looked so cool!!!! And it's awesome! It has great graphics, and since I've never really played one of these, er, MMORPG things before, or however you say it, I'm kind of confused by all of it, but I'm learning! It's awesome! And not totally pointless and borin, either. -w-
But we got out of school early, my lovely crickets- er, watchers, yeah, watchers..... because all of the crickets are dead! -w- In the middle of december, after who knows how many snows, there are NOT still supposed to be crickets oiut and chirping, and grass growing green and nice pretty flowers!!! D:< It ticks me off.... but now there isn't any crickets! Or flowers! :D So HA!

Stuck on writing, plot lines for stories and things not there.... hm..... that's pretty much it! Jaa-ne~!
(Maybe I shouldn't start these with Chinese then end it with Japanese, you know, it's not exactly the smartest thing to do....)
Oh, and if you wants to play the game, go to gamescampus.com, and after you sign up for it and everything (it's perfectly safe, just a lot of memory) you can pick which games you want to download and stuff. -w- Info, info...


Ni hao!!
I should definitely be sleeping right now.... buuuut.... oh well!
I signed up for an awesome RP >w< it was one of the ads on here, called Legend of Edda.... and I fell for it. >w< It just looked so cool!!!! And it's awesome! It has great graphics, and since I've never really played one of these, er, MMORPG things before, or however you say it, I'm kind of confused by all of it, but I'm learning! It's awesome! And not totally pointless and borin, either. -w-
But we got out of school early, my lovely crickets- er, watchers, yeah, watchers..... because all of the crickets are dead! -w- In the middle of december, after who knows how many snows, there are NOT still supposed to be crickets oiut and chirping, and grass growing green and nice pretty flowers!!! D:< It ticks me off.... but now there isn't any crickets! Or flowers! :D So HA!

Stuck on writing, plot lines for stories and things not there.... hm..... that's pretty much it! Jaa-ne~!
(Maybe I shouldn't start these with Chinese then end it with Japanese, you know, it's not exactly the smartest thing to do....)
Oh, and if you wants to play the game, go to gamescampus.com, and after you sign up for it and everything (it's perfectly safe, just a lot of memory) you can pick which games you want to download and stuff. -w- Info, info...
