D: Don't you want to tap dance on tables too?

How sad D: I do't have anything to post on here D: Hmmm..... Well then, I suppose I should come up with something thens :D Along with my brain-stealing friends >:O Dangit you guys!
Hmm.... I just had some almond milk a while ago D: Yuck yuck yuck... it just tastes like almonds in watery milk :( I suppose that's what it's supposed to be though. Yuck XP
My grandma's trying to rent a house across the street from them for us though :D which is good. *tap dance*
DOT DOT DOT now what D:
Yay! Winter's coming! *tap dance on table* I shall dress zis world for it. :3
And, come up with some new things to do. :D
