Crucio Carp

Today, I was playing Animal Crossing for the gamecube, as I have every day since last Friday, and I caught a crucian carp. Thinking it said "crucio carp", I then got excited, and decided that when you throw one of these little carps at somebody, it activates the crucio curse on them. ...... Watch out for flying carps.....
.... It's raining here in my little small town today. And guess what? It's ALSO raining in that Animal Crossing game! Again! Last Tuesday it was raining, and in the Animal Crossing game, it was also raining!!! This is getting creepy.... There hasn't been any rain here this week except for Tuesday and today, and so on the game when it hasn't rained here, it hasn't rained there.... and I only started a new file on this game last Friday!!! T~T It's weird!! It must have a little satellite going around earth, sending out messages to all of the Animal Crossing games.... I think I'm going to keep a tally thing on the top of this world with how many times the weather's matched that day, and how much it hasn't....
