painstaking: showing great care, attention, and industriousness in carrying out a task or role
a conscientious parent
2. in accordance with somebody's conscience: governed by or done according to somebody's sense of right and wrong
a conscientious decision to dedicate an hour a week to charity
Looked it up! (well, I actually made my brother do it!)
I think I got either foundation/general foundation or something, but Mr Jingles is still waiting for lasy years Easter project...
I got all f's in english too. what maths level did you get recomended for i got general. And yeah, i am apparently quiet and conciencious (going to need to look that word up, no idea what it means!)
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/25/10 | Reply
painstaking: showing great care, attention, and industriousness in carrying out a task or role
a conscientious parent
2. in accordance with somebody's conscience: governed by or done according to somebody's sense of right and wrong
a conscientious decision to dedicate an hour a week to charity
Looked it up! (well, I actually made my brother do it!)
I think I got either foundation/general foundation or something, but Mr Jingles is still waiting for lasy years Easter project...
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/24/10 | Reply
I got all f's in english too. what maths level did you get recomended for i got general. And yeah, i am apparently quiet and conciencious (going to need to look that word up, no idea what it means!)