Ooh, a new subscriber! (And the horrors of procrastination)

Since I'm silly and like knowing who follows my work, please tell me who you are! XD I'm fairly sure who the original 3 subscribers were.

Anyway. The horrors of procrastination. I am making a short one-shot manga for a project in my English Honors class, and I still have to finish around 7 pages by next Wednesday. All I have for those pages are the original concept sketches. And it takes me about 2 hours or so to do one page from start to finish.

Pretty much I have to do that all day long today, because I have like 3 other projects I have to do for other classes that will take up my time during the week. D: I'm fairly sure I'll get it done, but I'll still be freaking out about it during that whole time.

Ah well. I work better with this kind of stress anyway. At least, I think so...
