I thought no one would ever find me, but I guess I was wrong.

Please tell me who you are; I'd like to know who bothers reading random posts about nothing. XD

I also have a DeviantArt account: HERE! I have some stuff up there that can't be uploaded here, so you might want to go check that out~!

Welcome, KitsuneWannaBe2! And the Lock-in

I can't believe how many subscribers have started watching me in the past month. At least 5! Anyway. I went to a lock-in last night, which is basically a pa...

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Hi, Shika! Welcome to my subscriber group!

So I'm still working on that RVB art I mentioned a while back, though I'm only... not quite a fifth of the way done. XD; I may have more time for it now, though, since I don't have too much by way of homework anymore. Nothing done today, though, since I had to write a freakin' paper. D:

New Subscriber! :D

Welcome to my "following," Rhionna! (I feel so awesome finally being able to know who are my subscribers. ) I can't believe I have 9 subscribers. I mean, I'm a veritable unknown here and all, so almost 10 is AMAZING! Thanks, guys! (Sorry if these "welcome new subscriber! :D" posts are getting annoying, but I like saying hi to people who like my stuff. :])

School's been pretty boring, but one cool thing that I'm doing is yearbook. I get to make the cover all by myself. It's kind of embarrassing, actually, since my teacher is always introducing me to new people as "the photoshop queen" and equally as silly names. XD;

Anyway. I haven't been updating much because of that, but I do have a Red vs Blue art in the works. I just need to buck up and draw Sarge already and then I can get to the CGing. I'm really proud of how it's turning out, though. :3


Omg, 6 SUBSCRIBERS?! I must be cooler than I thought. XD

Anyway. That's about all I have to say at the moment. I may edit this post later today, though, if anything extremely awesome happens. Nothing usually does, though.

Ooh, a new subscriber! (And the horrors of procrastination)

Since I'm silly and like knowing who follows my work, please tell me who you are! XD I'm fairly sure who the original 3 subscribers were.

Anyway. The horrors of procrastination. I am making a short one-shot manga for a project in my English Honors class, and I still have to finish around 7 pages by next Wednesday. All I have for those pages are the original concept sketches. And it takes me about 2 hours or so to do one page from start to finish.

Pretty much I have to do that all day long today, because I have like 3 other projects I have to do for other classes that will take up my time during the week. D: I'm fairly sure I'll get it done, but I'll still be freaking out about it during that whole time.

Ah well. I work better with this kind of stress anyway. At least, I think so...
