I thought no one would ever find me, but I guess I was wrong.

Please tell me who you are; I'd like to know who bothers reading random posts about nothing. XD

I also have a DeviantArt account: HERE! I have some stuff up there that can't be uploaded here, so you might want to go check that out~!

Welcome, KitsuneWannaBe2! And the Lock-in

I can't believe how many subscribers have started watching me in the past month. At least 5! Anyway. I went to a lock-in last night, which is basically a pa...

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Horseback Riding! :D

I went horseback riding for the first time today (unless you count one of those stupid little circle things that are at fairs that I went on when I was 5). It was pretty sweet, and very relaxing. But the whole thing was FLIPPING AWESOME because I started thinking of the horses as certain characters and they just FIT.

The horse I was riding I dubbed Simmons. This is because he kept getting too close to the horse in front of him, who I dubbed Sarge, and Leonard (one of the people who took me riding) made the comment that he was a kiss-ass. Also, my horse was a rusty chestnut color, basically maroon.

Also originally, there was another horse in front of the Sarge horse who started fighting with Sarge, so I dubbed him Grif. He really started living up to his name later though, because he kept whining (the wrangler said he was just being lazy) and he kept trying to eat stuff when he wasn't supposed to. XD;

So anyway, Grif got relocated to behind Simmons after him and Sarge's fight, and Grif pretty much did whatever the hell he wanted to, but then he started nuzzling Simmons on the back, and it was all I could do not to squee because everyone was already looking at me pretty weird for calling the horses all these "random" names. XD

There were three other horses on the trail too, but I couldn't figure out who they were because they were too far behind me to really tell. Except one of the horses, a black one, was being kind of antsy and pissy at the stables, so I called her Tex. And guess who was riding Tex on the trail?? It was Leonard! :O (Bow chicka bow wow?)
