Today is Halloween, as everyone should know, and I’m being Mia Fey from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. XD; So far the day’s been okay, but then I got to Yearbook where we were supposed to have a huge Mortal Kombat tournament, but the dude who brought the game didn’t even check the CD and it was like, the worst scratched CD I’ve ever SEEN. XD; It kept freezing at the start screen. And I was all ready to dominate everyone with my awesome Playstation Controller Button Mashing Skills ™!

In any case, Alex and I discovered that minus the visor (and her wig, so her wigcap showed ), GODOT IS A FUCKIN’ PIRATE. HELL YEAH.

Everyone keeps asking who I am, and I go “a lawyer” and then they stare at me puzzled for a minute and add, “What’s with the nine?” and I reply, “It’s a magatama.” I love how many utterly confused looks I’ve gotten today. XDD; It’s probably nothing compared to Alex, who’s got a white wig and a toaster-face visor. When people ask her who she is, she goes “a blind prosecutor.” I doubt even anyone knows what a prosecutor is. XD;
