Guess what? I could have died yesterday. :O

Yesterday in yearbook class, one of the editors (Forrest) brought us a half-pineapple, half pepperoni pizza from Domino's. I'm allergic to pineapple, so I just took a piece from the half with pepperoni. BUT THEN MY THROAT STARTED TO HURT.

I thought I was imagining it at first, but then it started to get a little worse so I asked Mr. Copeland (my teacher) if I could go to the office to call my mom so she could come bring me some benadryll (antihistamine medicine, for allergy stuff), because I was having a slight allergic reaction. I guess I looked pale and sounded kind of hoarse, because he made this other guy Jeremy walk me to the office in case I keeled over on the way and whatnot. Anyway, I got to the office safely, called my mom, and she said she was on the way, so I sat on one of the office chairs and waited for her. THEN SOMETHING WORSE HAPPENED.

While I was sitting there waiting (my dad ended up being the one who came with the benadryll, but he took like 15 minutes to get there), my throat actually started to close up. I tried to keep myself calm, and just continued taking deep, easy breaths, but after about 6 or 7 minutes I had to physically open my throat muscles to even be able to breathe, so I might have started freaking a little. >>; I still made myself take deep easy breaths, though, because I knew that if I started hyperventilating the closing would go faster and I would probably pass out. o_o;

There were some people in the office with me because they were witnesses of this fight that happened that day, and they were kind of freaking out about it too. One of them kept exclaiming that I should go to the hospital or something because she thought I was going to die. -_-; Great encouragement to get my panic away, huh?

In any case, my dad got there after another 7 minutes or so and my throat started opening only about a minute after I took some of the benadryll, so I'm all good now. :3

But seriously. I'm never touching ANYTHING even REMOTELY close to pineapple EVER AGAIN. I mean, I only ingested some of the JUICE; what if I actually accidentally eat a PIECE of it? I seriously actually might die. DD:
