Winter Solstice Part 2

the story starts with Aang packing his things on Appa; Aang doesn’t want to endanger his friends' lives so he intends to go alone. As he is about to set off, Katara and Sokka stop him and tell him that they are going with him. Aang tells them that it is too dangerous, but his friends won’t hear of it so it looks like Aang’s not traveling alone. One of the villagers gives Aang some more supplies and tells him that it is a long journey to Avatar Roku’s temple and if they want to get there before the Solstice is over they must leave immediately. Aang tries to thank him for his kindness, but the villager tells them to leave that instant and so they do. Later on that night, there is a knock at the door of that same villager’s house; he opens it to find Prince Zuko. Zuko pushes the man and demands to know where the Avatar went. It is now day time; as Appa flies through the sky, that is when Katara spots Zuko’s Ship as it is trailing them. On Zuko’s ship Iroh scolds his nephew, reminding him that he is banished from the Fire Nation and if he enters their waters he will be arrested. Zuko tells him that since he is chasing the Avatar, his father will understand. Iroh states that his brother isn’t an understanding person. Back on Appa, Katara and Sokka see that something is coming out of Zuko’s ship; it is a catapult. The catapult's missile is set on fire and sent hurtling towards Appa. Aang is able to help Appa dodge the shot but just barely. After missing, Zuko orders for the catapult to be reloaded when he sees in the distance a blockade of Fire Nation ships in the way. Iroh tells Zuko that since he is still in Earth Kingdom waters, if he turns back now he won’t be arrested. Zuko refuses to turn away and orders the ship forward.

As luck would have it, the man in control over the blockade is no other than Commander Zhao. He orders his ships to open fire on the Avatar. One of his men tells Zhao that there is a Fire Nation ship out in the water. After Zhao sees it’s Zuko, he claims it belongs to a traitor and re-orders the attack on the Avatar. As a horde of shots from dozens of blockade catapults are fired towards Appa, Aang prepares to dodge the barrage of attacks as the first few whiz by Appa. Zuko isn’t as lucky, as one of the shots hits Zuko’s ship in the back causing the ship to smoke heavily. One of his men explains what was damaged and that they need to stop for repairs, but Zuko still won't back off as he charges forward again.

As Aang continues to dodge a swarm of shots, the force of one knocks Sokka from Appa sending him plummeting. Appa dives down and narrowly catches him. Aang has Appa charge right down the middle towards the blockade, while Zhao takes one last shot. But Aang is able to destroy it with Airbending, and they soar past the blockade and past Zhao. Less than pleased with the fact that the Avatar made it through the blockade, Zhao knows he has to follow him but he doesn’t know where he’s going. That’s when he sees Zuko’s ship approach and, instead of arresting him, he allows him to pass through the blockade untouched so he can follow him to the Avatar. Back on Appa, they spend hours flying through the air. It is almost dusk when Appa finally makes it to the crescent-shaped island where Roku’s dragon Fang took Aang when he was in the Spirit World. When they land, Appa takes a well-deserved rest while the others enter the temple. It is empty when they enter the temple’s first room, but behind them are five men dressed in red robes. Aang, knowing they are Fire Sages, thinks that they will try to help him, but after telling them he is the Avatar they attack him. Aang blocks the attacks, and Aang and the others run from the five sages and go down many different halls until they reach a dead end. As they go to turn around, one of the five sages is in front of them. Aang prepares to fight him, but the sage explains that he is on Aang’s side. They at first don’t believe him, but when they hear the others approach, the sage opens a secret passageway and they escape from the other sages.

Back with Zuko, he is confused as to why Zhao let him pass. Iroh states that it is most likely because he wants to use Zuko to find the Avatar. Hearing his uncle’s theory, Zuko is at a loss for what to do. Back with Aang, the sage that helped them tells them that his name is Shyu. He goes further by saying that when Avatar Roku died, the other sages and his grandfather waited for the new Avatar to appear, but he never did. Then Fire Lord Sozin started the war and forced the sages to serve him. After time, they did and only Shyu’s family stayed loyal to the Avatar. He explains that when the sages found out that Aang was alive, Shyu knew that he would have to betray the others and help Aang. They eventually arrive on a higher level of the temple in front of them is a huge door. Shyu tells them that it must have recently been closed and only a fully realized Avatar or five fire blasts from five different Firebenders can only open it. None of them know how to open the door… no one but Sokka.

Back with Zuko, he has come up with an idea. Since Zhao is following the smoke from his ship, he will take a smaller vessel and sneak past Zhao under the smoke. We see Zhao a distance back as he looks at the smoke of Zuko’s ship with a suspicious look on his face.

Sokka reveals his plan; he makes five small oil-based lamps and places each in one of the five areas where the door takes in the fire. He has Shyu light the fuse and they stand back; a huge explosion rips through the room. Aang rushes to the door, but it isn’t open. Aang begins to send waves of air to try to open the door, but to no avail. Sokka doesn’t understand why the door didn’t open, stating that it didn’t work. Katara says that it may not have worked but it looks like it did. Understandably, the group is confused.

The next scene has Shyu yelling to the other sages to come to the door. He states that the Avatar has entered the room behind the door. They don’t know how he could have, but Shyu points out the burn marks on the door and points to a shadow coming from the other side. The sages instantly open the door with their Firebending to discover that the shadow was only the lemur and that it must have crawled through the pipes. Now Katara’s plan springs to action as each of the four sages are grabbed by Shyu, Katara, Sokka, and Momo. Katara yells to Aang to enter the chamber, but there is no answer from him. Then Zuko appears from behind a pillar with Aang. In their surprise, they each in turn lose control over the sages, who now hold them down. Zuko tells the sages to close the door immediately; Aang turns to see the others being tied up to a pillar, struggles free from Zuko, and races to the door. The sages attempt to stop him, but he makes it inside before the doors close. Then a bright light comes from the room and dies away. Aang, now in the chamber where he had been with Roku’s dragon, sees only a statue of Avatar Roku and doesn’t know what to do now. Outside the doors, Zuko and the four sages attempt to open the door, but now it won’t. One of the sages states that it must be Avatar Roku and that he doesn’t want them to enter. Aang calls to Roku asking for his help; then a wind spirals around Aang and he is in front of Roku on the top of a mountain range. Roku says hello to Aang and asks what took him so long. Back outside the doors, Zuko asks Shyu why he helped Aang; Shyu says that it was once the Fire Sage’s duty to help the Avatar and that it still is. This moment in interrupted by Zhao and a group of soldiers. Zhao places Zuko under arrest and claims that he will simply wait for the Avatar to come out.

Roku begins to tell Aang why he had to meet him; he tells him that one hundred years ago a comet came, and Sozin used its power to start the war and deal a deadly first strike against the other nations. Roku continues by saying that the comet gave them great power and that the comet is coming back. Roku tells Aang that he must master the other three elements before summer's end, for that is when the comet returns. If he hasn’t mastered the elements by then, there will be nothing he can do, as Fire Lord Ozai will use its power to finish the war. Aang is understandably shocked at what he has just heard and doesn’t think he can do it in such a short time, but Roku has confidence in him because he has done it before. Roku senses that there is a great danger waiting outside the doors of the chamber and offers his help if Aang thinks he’s ready. As Aang’s avatar spirit activates, he claims that he is. Then we see the mountain range disappear, and we are back outside of the doors where Zhao and the others are braced to attack Aang the moment he steps out. Then with another flash of light, the door opens and they attack the figure behind the door. They see it is not Aang but Avatar Roku that stands before them; he sends the fire back with great force and knocks the group back. The heat of the fire melts the chains that hold Katara and the others. Zuko takes this opportunity to run back to his boat. Shyu tells Katara and Sokka to run from the temple because Avatar Roku is going to destroy it; they refuse to leave without Aang. We see Roku split the ground, and he brings lava up from beneath the temple and sends it up through the temple. We see Zhao and his men retreat back to their boats before the temple begins to fall. The sun sets, and with that the solstice is over. Roku with one last breath is enveloped in a current of wind, and when the dust clears Aang remains. He collapses and is picked up by Katara and Sokka. As the temple is falling apart, they have no way to get out of the temple as all the ways are blocked by debris. Then Appa appears, and they jump onto his back and fly away from the temple that falls moments after they leave. Zhao looks up and sees the Avatar fly away from his sight; he is not pleased as he has lost any chance of capturing the Avatar or Prince Zuko. But as a consolation he claims he has five traitors; we see all five sages including Shyu. The Sages say that only Shyu helped the Avatar, but Zhao isn’t interested in their story and has them thrown into the prison hold of his ship. We then see Zuko on his smaller ship also looking at the Avatar as he flies away. As the episode ends, Katara and Sokka group around Aang and comfort him, as they fly away.

Winter Solstice Part 1

The group arrives at an Earth Kingdom forest and sees what looks like a huge black scar in the middle of the woods. They land only to find out that it was burned down by Fire Nation soldiers. Aang feels bad that he let that happen, but Katara assures him that the forest will grow back, because of all the acorns around. The party is startled when an old man comes asking the Avatar (Aang) for his help. The group arrives at Senlin Village in ruins and learns that it is being terrorized by a spirit, Hei Bai. The villagers ask Aang to help them, and he agrees although he doesn't know how. At sunset, he goes out to confront the spirit. As Aang waits, he finds no spirit. Then from behind him, the spirit appears from the forest. Aang tries to talk to the spirit, but it seems it isn't listening. Sokka runs out to help Aang, but is captured and taken away by the spirit instead. Aang, while chasing after Sokka and the spirit, mysteriously enters the spirit world. Later, Aang is confronted by a dragon, which turns out to be Avatar Roku's dragon, Fang. The dragon takes Aang to a temple on a crescent shaped island to see Avatar Roku's statue. Aang finds out that Avatar Roku wants to speak to him about a comet, and the only time they can talk is during the Winter Solstice. The dragon takes Aang back to his body, and there Aang learns why the spirit is terrorizing the village. The spirit was upset and angry that his home had been burned down. At sunset, Aang shows the spirit that the forest will grow back by giving him an acorn. The satisfied spirit (which turned into a panda bear) leaves the village, and in its trail, it left a few bamboo stalks that the captured villagers (including Sokka) come out of. The show ends with Aang telling Katara and Sokka that he needs to go to the temple (which is in the Fire Nation) to speak with Avatar Roku by sunset on the Solstice (which was the next day). in the mean time Iroh and Zuko are seen tracking Aang and his friends. Iroh is relaxing in a self-heated pool of water that he has turned into his own personal jacuzzi. Zuko is becoming very impatient and demands that his uncle get ready to leave right away. Iroh agrees, but when he stands up it is revealed that he is naked. Zuko is very embarrassed by this and covers his eyes, telling his uncle to take a few more minutes to get ready. He then gives a warning that if Iroh is not ready within a half hour, Zuko will leave without him. Iroh slumps back into the pool and falls asleep. He is awoken by a sound and prepares for a possible ambush at once. After he overcomes his disorientation, he notices a tiny field mouse and relaxes again at once. He gently takes the field mouse into his hands and begins talking to it. Iroh realizes he missed Zuko's time limit but does not seem to care saying that he had "a very sweet nap." Iroh is then ambushed for real by Earth Kingdom soldiers who capture him to bring him back to Ba Sing Se, the place where he sieged for 600 days before leaving. Zuko comes later with two soldiers and determined who his capturers were. Iroh then feigns to fall asleep, leaving his stinky sandal for Zuko to find. While Iroh is with his captors, he notices the spirit of Avatar Roku's animal guide, which is a magnificent Dragon. Iroh is shocked but quickly covers it up when the soldiers ask him what is wrong. Iroh then tricks his captors by asking them to tighten his chains. The Captain then has one of the soldiers tighten the chains, while Iroh stealthily snorts onto the cuffs, heating them up. When the soldier touches the cuffs, he burns his hand and screams in agony. Iroh then makes a bold but ultimately failed attempt for freedom. After he is caught, the soldiers debate with themselves about what they should do. They quickly decide to crush Iroh's hands by dropping a huge rock on them. Just as the punishment is about to be inflicted, Zuko appears and kicks the rock that was about to be dropped on Iroh's hands aside. He then lifts his leg and with one swift movement breaks the chains that are binding Iroh in half, to which Iroh praisingly states "Excellent form Prince Zuko." Zuko smiles and replies "You taught me well." Iroh and Zuko then defeat the soldiers without much difficulty. After the fight Zuko exclaims, "Now would you please put on some clothes?!".


Aang, Katara, and Sokka awake from their camp site and are startled by loud noises coming from the distance. Aang and Katara are curious and set out to investigate with a less-than-cooperative Sokka right behind. They then find a young Earthbender practicing his bending. Katara introduces herself, but before she can finish, the young bender races off, seeming very fearful. Katara decides that they should follow him, and they end up in a small town that happens to be under Fire Nation control. They later find the same young man and follow him into a store. He is talking to his mother when Katara, Aang and Sokka enter the store asking why he ran. He tells them that his name is Haru; he and his mother explain that since the Fire Nation took control of the town, any one discovered to be an Earthbender is arrested and sent to a mining rig, far off shore. Haru then tells them that his father was also sent to the rig a long time ago.

Later on that day, Haru and Katara are walking with each other, both sharing their own stories and seemingly falling for one another, when they come across an old man that has been trapped by a cave in. Haru reluctantly uses his Earthbending to save the old man. The next morning, Katara wakes up to get some water when Haru's mother tells Katara that the old man he had saved told the Fire Nation that he was an Earthbender and was arrested and sent to the mining rig. Once she learns of Haru's situation, she decides to take action and find a way onto the rig. She decides the only way to get to that rig is if the Fire Nation thinks she's an Earthbender, so after some strategy she is able to "Earthbend" with the help of Aang and some ventilation pipes while Fire Nation solders are watching. So now she's captured and sent to the rig. There she and some other captives meet the Warden of the rig, a self-important and cruel taskmaster. He states that since the entire rig is made of metal, there is nothing for the Earthbenders to control so they are helpless. After finding Haru and his father Tyro, she asks what their plan is to escape. Tyro says that escape isn't an option and that the only way to survive is to do what they're told and hope the war goes in their favor. Shocked by his lack of hope, Katara tries an inspirational speech to try to stir to life the spirits of the other benders, but to no avail. That night Katara meets up with Aang and Sokka to try to find a way for the prisoners to fight back and gain back their confidence. Then Aang notices the smokestacks and states that they are burning coal and therefore there is earth on the rig that the prisoners can use.

Drawing from her experience from the fake Earthbending she used to get herself arrested, they have Aang close all the vents around the fire save for one that will lead to the outer vent where Katara and Sokka are. Then the Warden discovers them and states that they are to surrender or die. Then the coal bursts from the vent and lands in front of Haru and the others, Katara tells them that this is their chance to stand up and fight. But no one seems to have the will to fight anymore. The Warden states that their spirits were broken a long time ago and he walks away in triumph.

Or so he thinks, as a chunk of coal strikes him on the head. He turns around to see that it was Haru who threw it. The Warden attacks Haru, but his attack is blocked by Tyro and two other benders. Then all together the prisoners attack the Fire Nation soldiers and after a dramatic fight the Earthbenders are victorious and they throw the warden overboard. They then sail off in stolen Fire Nation ships.

After winning their freedom, Tyro thanks Katara for giving his people hope again, then Haru thanks her. She is touched by Haru's words when she notices that her mother's necklace is gone. There on the rig we see Katara's necklace on the ground and is picked up by Zuko. And with a blank look he clutches the necklace and looks out toward the horizon.

The King of Omashu

Aang and his friends arrive at the Earth Kingdom city Omashu. Sokka and Katara look on in amazement and can't believe they have buildings that don't melt from the heat. Aang hurries to the city, but Katara thinks he needs to hide his identity as the Avatar for his safety. He uses some of Appa's shed fur as a wig and mustache and adopts a fake, old man voice, crouching and using his staff as a walking stick.

As they approach the city's walls, Aang remarks Omashu is one of the friendliest places in the world. But guards at the city wall are giving a Cabbage Merchant trouble about trying to bring rotten cabbages into the city, and Earthbend his vegetable-filled cart into the valley below, causing the merchant to scream "No! My cabbages!" in dismay. Aang and the others approach, and the guards demands to know who they are. Aang invents the name Bonzu Pipinpadaloxicopolis The Third for himself and says Sokka and Katara are his grandchildren, and the guards let them into the city. Aang shows them the Omashu delivery system, which consists of miles of tubes and chutes which send packages throughout the city via Earthbending. He also tells them one hundred years ago while visiting, Aang and his eccentric childhood friend Bumi would slide down the Omashu delivery system for fun. Bumi told Aang to always open his brain to the possibilities in life, and Aang affectionately called Bumi a "mad genius".

Aang promises Katara they will go to the North Pole once they have a ride down the chutes. They go to the highest point in the city and slide down, almost getting killed by a package of spears following behind them as they slide. Aang derails them from the chute and their bin scrapes across the rooftops of several houses. Panicking, they can't stop and crash into the Cabbage Merchant's cart, who screams once again in dismay for his ruined cabbages. They are surrounded by guards and taken captive to be punished by the King of Omashu. An aged old man, the King looks for a while at Aang, then decides instead of punishment that they shall be thrown a feast, to the surprise of the guards. At the feast, the King inquires about where Aang came from, which Aang replies (with a lie) that he came from Kangaroo Island. The King cracks a joke, saying he's heard that place is "really hoppin'," which only Sokka laughs at. Feigning his departure from the table, the King suddenly throws a chicken drumstick at Aang, causing him to catch it with Airbending out of reflex, revealing to everyone that he is the Avatar.

Aang and the others try to leave, but are detained by the guards. The King says the Avatar shall face three deadly challenges tomorrow to win the freedom of him and his friends, and locks them in a chamber.

The next day, Aang wakes and finds Sokka and Katara are missing. The King holds them hostage and promises to return them once the challenges are completed. Aang threatens the King and demands he return his friends immediately, but the King brings forth Sokka and Katara and has rings of Jennomite placed on their fingers. Known as "creeping crystal," the crystals will grow and grow until they cover their entire body, and only the King can undo it. Aang submits to go through with the King's challenges. The first challenge, Aang must simply retrieve a key hanging from a chain within a powerful, cascading waterfall. But it isn't as simple as it seems. The force of the water is too powerful for Aang to simply dive in or approach from below. Even using Airbending Aang can't get to the key. The crystal is now covering Katara and Sokka's arms. Aang resorts to breaking the tip of a stalagmite off, and using Airbending shoots it like a dart into the waterfall, breaking the chain and carrying the key to the King, who was watching from a balcony.

For the second challenge, Aang must return the King's lost pet Flopsie to him. Outside, Aang sees a bunny and chases after it, but a large monster chases after Aang. The bunny escapes and the monster closes in, but Aang has a sudden idea. He turns to face the monster, and realizes the monster is actually Flopsie. Flopsie picks Aang up tenderly and gives him a huge lick. He drops Aang and runs to the King, who rubs the monster's belly. Katara and Sokka are covered from head to ankle in crystal, and Aang demands the final challenge begin.

In a large arena, Aang must battle an opponent, but he is allowed to choose which opponent to fight, but the King warns him to choose carefully. He can pick one of two nasty-looking gladiator-like warriors, or the old, frail King. Aang chooses the King, who declares he chose wrong, removing his robes to reveal a surprisingly muscular physique for such an old man. Aang recoils, realizing his mistake. The King claims he is the most powerful Earthbender Aang will ever meet, and begins the battle. The King immediately launches several boulders at him which Aang dodges, but the King taunts him for such a predictable Airbender tactic. As they fight, the King continues to taunt Aang for his unwillingness to fight back. Eventually Aang begins to counter the King. With tremendous effort, the King tears a massive chunk of earth out of the ground and holds it over his head. Aang screams in terror and begins to run in circles, Airbending a tornado. The King throws the massive mound, but the tornado redirects it back at him. He bisects it neatly in two. Aang appears between the rock pieces and pins the King with his staff.

The King concedes defeat, but before releasing his friends, requires the Avatar to answer one last question: What is the King's name? Recalling the point of all the challenges, Aang realizes they all forced him to think differently then he usually would. He realizes who the King is, and calls his old childhood friend Bumi, now the old King of Omashu, a mad genius. The two embrace, and Bumi declares Aang hasn't changed a bit, literally. Bumi shatters the crystal encasing Sokka and Katara, and eats a piece, revealing Jennomite is made from rock candy.

Bumi wishes Aang luck in his quest to defeat the Fire Lord, and hopes when he confronts him that he'll think like a mad genius. Aang tells Bumi he now has a challenge for him, and the two of them go sliding down the Omashu delivery system like the old days, which results in them crashing into the cabbage merchant's cart, just like before.

The Warriors of Kyoshi

the story begins with Zuko's ship adrift at sea. Zuko is meditating when Iroh comes in with information regarding the Avatar. Iroh begs Zuko not to become angry and Zuko replies that he can control his temper. Iroh states that he has no idea where the Avatar is and Zuko becomes furious. Iroh then explains that there have been multiple sightings of Aang but that he is impossible to track, showing his nephew detailed map of where he has been located. Zuko quickly takes the map and declares that, "he's a master of evasive maneuvering".

Meanwhile, Aang, Katara, and Sokka are flying on the back of Appa with Sokka indicating Aang's lack of navigational skills. Katara is sewing Sokka's trousers, while Aang is trying to get her attention to impress her with his new 'trick' of Airbending three marbles in a rapid, circular motion. But because she's busy, Katara ignores him. Sokka then makes a chauvinistic comment, and Katara throws his trousers, which have not been completely re-sewn, back at him. He quickly regrets what he said, telling Katara that he cannot wear his pants as they still have a large hole in them.

Aang then lands on a small Earth Kingdom island with Sokka and Katara informing him that they have taken too many detours recently, which they cannot afford if they want to reach the North Pole. A large fish springs out of the water and Aang proclaims that that is why they came here; he then strips down to his underwear. As he tries to show off his moves to Katara by riding on the back of an Elephant Koi, he is attacked by the Unagi, a titanic, gray eel that is native to Southwestern Earth Kingdom waters. Terrified, he runs back to land and redresses into his Airbender attire. Suddenly the group is ambushed by a mysterious group of warriors. The gang is then tied to a pole and after having removed the cloth from covering Aang, Katara and Sokka's eyes, Sokka utters a remark about how they could not have been beaten by a bunch of girls. They demand to know why they have come here and Aang clarifies that they just wanted to ride Elephant Koi. Oyajii, the island's leader, then implies they may be Fire Nation spies. He also commented that Kyoshi has stayed out of the war and intends to keep it that way. Aang quickly responds to the fact that the island is named after Kyoshi, revealing that he knows her. Head warrior Suki then states that is impossible, with Oyajii stating that Avatar Kyoshi died over 400 years ago. Aang answers their questions by telling them that he is the new Avatar. The people of Kyoshi believe he is lying and want to throw the impostor to the Unagi. For proof that he is the long-lost Avatar, he Airbends his way out of his predicament and the villagers look in awe.

The news of the Avatar in town travels from person to person, and news finally reaches Zuko and Iroh. Zuko jumps up in surprise and readies to depart to Kyoshi Island.

Aang and Katara enjoy a delicious meal of desserts and treats, charitably given from the town while Sokka lies on the floor, angry because he was bested by females. In Aang's honor, the town's people clean up the statue of Avatar Kyoshi. Then later Aang shows off to the young women of Kyoshi as they chase him around.

Sokka goes to the Kyoshi Warriors and he is asked if he wants to show off some of his 'moves'. He tries to demonstrate his techniques but is brought down by Suki. He simply states that he was going easy on her and ultimately failed again being tied arm to leg and swung to the ground. He then leaves out of embarrassment. Meanwhile, Katara asks Aang if he could help her carry some supplies for their journey. Aang replies with no and inquires Katara if she would like to go with him and the pack of young Kyoshi girls on a trip on Appa, which she declines and walks off.

Sokka returns to the training area and bows before Suki, admitting he would be honored to be trained by her. She makes sure he would not care to be trained by a girl. He accepts that he said some inappropriate things before. She agrees if he undergoes all their traditions. The scene skips to him into a Kyoshi warrior outfit. He complains about being in a dress and Suki calls it a symbol of honor and bravery. Aang then walks by, giggling, "Hey Sokka...nice dress."

Suki begins training Sokka in the art of Kyoshi style fighting. After a little while of training, Sokka believes he is starting to understand the form but inevitably chucks his weapon out the door. Suki laughs, saying it is not about strength. It is about using your opponent's force against them and to wait until the right moment to strike. Sokka then knocks down Suki, who embarrassed, says it was on purpose. Then she admits she was knocked down and asks him to try it again.

Aang informs Katara that he is going to locate the Unagi and ride the creature. After the exchange of some infuriating words, Aang runs off to ride the beast. In the next scene, Aang is in water with the young ladies impatiently waiting for the Unagi's arrival. After what seemed like forever to them, they girls decide to leave and Katara shows up. After the two make fun of their behavior earlier, the Unagi appears and thrashes around and throws Aang, and he falls unconscious.

As the Unagi swims towards Aang to finish the attack, Katara rapidly swims to the rescue, grabbing a hold of Aang and using her Waterbending to propel herself towards land. After a fast escape she hides behinds some rocks where she Waterbends water out of Aang's throat. Aang coughs and wakes up, telling her to not ride the Unagi. They see Fire Nation troops approaching and quickly take the offensive. Oyajii runs to Sokka, Suki and the rest of the Kyoshi warriors, urging them for help. The Kyoshi warriors make a good demonstration of their abilities and skills in battle, taking out many Firebenders, although they are outnumbered. The Fire Nation troops, led by Zuko, burn the town as they search for the Avatar. After Zuko sees Aang, they engage in a short battle. Aang wishes he could have prevented this destruction on the town and Katara tells him if they flee the Firebenders will follow them. Aang, with no other choices, agrees.

Suki urges Sokka to hurry and leave but he says he would not leave her; at least without an apology. She asks why and he explains that he treated her like a girl instead of a warrior. Suki then kisses Sokka, telling him that she is a warrior but a girl, too. She then returns to battle giving Aang and his companions a chance to escape. Aang, Katara and Sokka leave as the town is being set on fire and Zuko and his followers pursue him again. As they begin to fly off, Katara tries to assure Aang that he did the right thing, as Zuko and his men would have burnt down the entire village if they had remained. Aang suddenly leaps down from Appa back into the Kyoshi's waters. A second later, the Unagi bursts out of the water with Aang clinging onto its whiskers. With some struggle, he manages to gain footing on the giant eel's head and directs it towards the burning village. The Unagi then spews a blast of water, extinguishing the fires. Aang leaps into the air, is caught up by Appa, and the three fly away as the Unagi swims under them.