hey everyone!
gosh i feel so nervous...
i even wrote the speech when i was at work..but i lost it...
so..this is how it went...
there where 66 WONDERFUL entries for my challenge and that made me sooo happy!!!
it was also pretty difficult to determinate the winner...so my friend HKigeki helped me and also some other friends on skype as well...:)
since it was sooooooo very difficult for us..we decided to loosen up a bit...make the day a bit easyer for us...
there will be 3rd places ,2 2nd places..and well ofcourse only one 1st place!
since there are only 3 medals..i randomly picked one from the 2nds and one from the 3rds...but that doesnt meen the other ones are less something...none are..
gosh i hate putting places..
but here it goes!
3rd places
- Sakura Haruno ~ Yu Fang
- Pencil me happy ~ ponnchi
- naruto's drawing ~ 15385bic
2nd places
- All I Wanted was You - Gadriann
- Work In No Progress - ched
1st place
here id like to say..this idea caught my heart totally and utterly...what can i say??im a person who doesnt need much...thankyou
Pencil Pirate ~ IyamiNaHamusutaa
i hope everyone is..well..more or less happy about how it all went..
i sure am...and theres nothing that can change my mind!
thankyou again everyone for tsking part in this pencil challenge!!!
and remember-
pencils rule!!!
p.s. i would like to thank Ponnchi for the awsome pencil picture!! i hope u dont mind i used it as the entry picture for this post.little bit modified...we all thought it was just really epic and that it would suit as a symbol of this challenge!!
winners plz send me requests that you would like me to draw for you...
plz plz no girlz..im soo baad with them...*cries*
yours trully,
vampire kiss