How do I create Yoda within Little Alchemy

It takes 16 steps involved in creating Yoda entirely from scratch. You can begin at the first step if you're just beginning to learn about Little Alchemy. If you've made some of the things in these steps before then you can start from wherever you are on Your Little Alchemy journey.
1. Earth and Fire = Lava
2. Lava and Air = Stone
3. Fire and Stone = Metal
4. Metal and Stone = Blade
5. Metal and Blade = Sword
6. Air and Fire = Energy
7. Sword and Energy = Lightsaber
8. Air and Water = Rain
9. Earth and Rain = Plant
10. Water and Earth = Mud
11. Plant and Mud = Swamp
12. Air and Fire = Energy
13. Swamp and Energy = Life
14. Earth and Life = Human
15. Lightsaber and Human = Jedi
16. Swamp and Jedi = Yoda
That's it. Simples.
If you're just beginning to learn about the game, and are looking for more details or are having a conversation with an acquaintance who's getting started, we provide more information below, which could be useful.

The sections below will guide you in greater depth if you need it. If the items listed included in the process were earlier created and then posted prior to it, we'll just link them by section to the article and you can access them in other tabs.
If full details have been given or a mix of information and links has been given, you will be given step-by-step directions of the process for creating each item, along including screenshots of each step.
How do you create Jedi with Little Alchemy
The next step in the creation of Yoda the character in Little Alchemy is to create Jedi.
Then we move on to the last stage of making Yoda.
How do I create Yoda within Little Alchemy
Assuming that you already are playing the game:
The first step is toSelect SWAMPfrom the Elements panel and place it on the playing board.
Step 2. Step 2 - Choose JEDIfrom the Elements panel and drop it onto the SWAMP that you previously placed on the playing board in step 1.
