Welcome, friends :D
I just noticed that Version Vibrant existed today, so I'm still getting used to it XD
In this world of fairies and unicorns, I will talk about random pointless things, rant about things that seriously bug me, and just pretty much post what's on my mind. Enjoy your stay, and don't forget to take your shoes off at the door.

PEI: The Littlest Province

PEI, which stand for Potatoes Everywhere Imaginable is an itsy bitsy teeny weeny province famous for having a bridge bigger than the island itself. the current Emperor of PEI is Supreme Lord Anne of Green Gables, who rules with an iron fist.

PEI is best known for,



-Crazy touristes who want to see if Anne of Green Gables really existed

-A huge-arse bridge connecting it to New Brunswick (As opposed to Old Brunswick, which was destroyed and rebuilt as a flying super-province now known as New Brunswick)


-Having no street lights in it's capital city


-It's red soil due to the bloodshed in the War of Heaven in 30,000,000 B.C. It would look so much cooler if it was blue. It's times like this when I wish angels had blue blood.

-Having to pay a fee to escape the clutches of Supreme Lord Anne of Green Gables, who uses this money to buy more freckles and silly hats.


Ahh, I love PEI. I might make another entry about other provinces as well...But certainly not any time soon. Take'er easy.

