Sometimes you just need to get certain things off your chest - I ramble, draw, write poems... And sometimes you feel a want to share these things with anybody else who might understand or share a common interest as you.
I like to point out certain things, ponder about them. Make some interesting comments that hopefully nobody has ever made before. These kinds of random, yet intriguing comments never fail to inspire me - and hopefully, some might yet inspire you. :]
~ BC

Something else to ponder ^^

Yes, I Do Procrastinate.

God, I have to stop procrastinating.
I was SO exhausted this morning that it was all I could do to not fall asleep in Chinese, Technology AND French class.


I haven't been on here in ages, mainly because I've been uber-busy with other stuff, but also because I...



But I probably won't submit stuff, unless it's the occasional fanword, because I'm focusing on posting things on other websites, not theO.

You're probably not interested in reading about all my internet escapades anyway.

You're probably not interested in reading about me at all :P

But too bad! In this world (teehee), it's all about - you guessed it - me.
Uhm. That sounded kinda - VERY - self-centred. Let's just put it this way.
I like my world.


Well, stuff is really super-hectic. Super super hectic. And it's only just the start of the school year. (GAAAWWDDD)
Things are going to get much worse!
I shudder just to think of it.

I should be off now, I've got a reflection (I hate reflections) to do. And reflections won't just do themselves! Nope, they have to have a poor teenage girl to B.S. her way through them for them to be deemed 'Complete'.

The evils of homework.


- MUSIC! It's the only thing that gets me through the long nights of just-before-test cramming, or the due-the-next-day-essay panic. Thank god for All Time Low, Green Day, Owl City, MGMT, All-American Rejects, Relient K and The Used.


- okay, it's really a goodbye this time.
