O, I said they had been sleeping a while, I didnt say it was mourning. Also, remember how when Eva was with Haunter the first time she could see peoples thoughts? Well, some ghost pokemon have abilities like that so I made it so that they see bits and pieces(dont worry, only bits and pieces) of peoples thoughts when in that vewing form. So they saw his name, but they dont know what happened to him. Did I do something wrong?
Last edited by HopeDragon at 8:05:23 PM EST on February 3, 2010.
Although I have two concerns. Daniel or Eva or anyone else has no idea who Chii is. Nyarth's the only person who has seen him up to now, but he doesn't even know his name. Just saying. No one knows who he is yet so theres no way Daniel would know his name.
And also it's technically still the nighttime in the roleplay. Some people are still sleeping, some people like Shupple and Mear, just went to bed. So it's not the next day yet I believe.
Otomi Babii
Da Don~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/03/10 | Reply
Lupe: *GASP. Not true! x[
Me: Only time will tell Lupe. Mwhahahaha !
Lupe: T^T
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/03/10 | Reply
O, I said they had been sleeping a while, I didnt say it was mourning. Also, remember how when Eva was with Haunter the first time she could see peoples thoughts? Well, some ghost pokemon have abilities like that so I made it so that they see bits and pieces(dont worry, only bits and pieces) of peoples thoughts when in that vewing form. So they saw his name, but they dont know what happened to him. Did I do something wrong?
Last edited by HopeDragon at 8:05:23 PM EST on February 3, 2010.
Val's chibi kitty (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/03/10 | Reply
Lol thanks for coming to help Nyarth drag Chii!
Although I have two concerns. Daniel or Eva or anyone else has no idea who Chii is. Nyarth's the only person who has seen him up to now, but he doesn't even know his name. Just saying. No one knows who he is yet so theres no way Daniel would know his name.
And also it's technically still the nighttime in the roleplay. Some people are still sleeping, some people like Shupple and Mear, just went to bed. So it's not the next day yet I believe.
like a BOSS.