Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/11/11 | Reply
Also I think it is morning or earlier afternoon not evening!! :) but good work I will get Kiki to the festival!! :) No worries and it will be with Xio he ain't gonna let her go alone....*ponders*
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/11/11 | Reply
Kya~! *squeals* I'm so happy so see something so simple happen between Aberius and another gijinka =;u;= And that line... "Hey, don't take it out on me!" X3 It's was like I coudl hear Abs' voice and he was brought to life! =;v;= You took a jugful of happiness and poured it into my heart~! <3 *dances*
Aberius: ... You're happy over a simple conversation...? >_>; Weirdo...
Me: =<A <;= *throws a rock at Aberius* Anywho =^_^;= Oh, you forgot to include Abs' name in the Included section... Also, you had Nyarth say "Xio-nee-sama" when it should be "Xio-nii-sama..." You basically called Xio a girl X3 lolz Just thought I should bring that up.
That aside, loved this post =D *shimmies* I was wondering if the same things was gonna happen to Abs... ='3';= Gosh, that'd suck if it did... But I'm still happy =;u;= Thanks for including him~ Oh gosh, I wonder what Xio will do?! =;A;= Save Kiki, Xio! *sobs*
ETERNITY (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/11/11 | Reply
@Team Plasma N:
YAAAY! I'm looking forward to your post! XD
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/11/11 | Reply
Also I think it is morning or earlier afternoon not evening!! :) but good work I will get Kiki to the festival!! :) No worries and it will be with Xio he ain't gonna let her go alone....*ponders*
I have many great ideas on how to do this!!! :D
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/11/11 | Reply
No prob X3 I usually have to restrain myself from pointing out everything all the time XD;;
Haha X3
ETERNITY (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/11/11 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
:D I'm glad you like it! and thanks for pointing out the mistakes ^^'
yeah I thought that part was funny XD
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/11/11 | Reply
Kya~! *squeals* I'm so happy so see something so simple happen between Aberius and another gijinka =;u;= And that line... "Hey, don't take it out on me!" X3 It's was like I coudl hear Abs' voice and he was brought to life! =;v;= You took a jugful of happiness and poured it into my heart~! <3 *dances*
Aberius: ... You're happy over a simple conversation...? >_>; Weirdo...
Me: =<A <;= *throws a rock at Aberius* Anywho =^_^;= Oh, you forgot to include Abs' name in the Included section... Also, you had Nyarth say "Xio-nee-sama" when it should be "Xio-nii-sama..." You basically called Xio a girl X3 lolz Just thought I should bring that up.
That aside, loved this post =D *shimmies* I was wondering if the same things was gonna happen to Abs... ='3';= Gosh, that'd suck if it did... But I'm still happy =;u;= Thanks for including him~ Oh gosh, I wonder what Xio will do?! =;A;= Save Kiki, Xio! *sobs*