I hope everyone is enjoying the new otaku! Anyway hello everyone welcome to Fave Poke-Paradise this world is dedicated to all of my favourite pokemon. And believe me there's a few!!! lol take a look
- Created By turtle chris
Stupid piggies
Small Post- My happiness at the start of the week has turned into misery and fear. My Mum has been officially diagnosed with Swine Flu and I am the biggest hypocondriac ever... 8'( Somebody help me...
I wonder if i can live in one of those pastic bubbles like on cartoons...???
I am going to die- this will probably be my last ever post- see u in heaven :'(
The Gerbil Games
Hello amazing people I love soo much, would you plz do me the honour if you will by watching 3 videos each of which has took myself and my friend monthes of preperation to create... The Gerbil games!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-E3r936PVI - Gerbil Games
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92ZY-PsW59w&feature=related - Gerbil games 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CALmqWv6daI&feature=channel - Gerbil games 3- The Gerbolympics
Pretty Plz Thanks...
Trainer card
Heres your trainer card ^_^ hope you like it
Here you go here it is on photobucket >>>
Poll time!!!
Right here I poll I need you guys to help me with it. So What should be the first pokemon at the end of my first dungeon in my fan comic...!!!
CHOOSE ANY all 493 to choose from. thanks byebye
4th and final entry StrawberriiPanda's entry
Here's before AYUMIxNAKEMURA's but now StrawberriiPanda's entry. Thanks alot StrawberriiPanda. REsults will be shown soon...