
Rules of Conduct External Image

#1. Respect and Fairness

  • Respect all old and new members of all age and experience
  • Welcome new members
  • Acknowledge everyones existence
  • Remember that everyone put in effort and work to be in this rp
  • Do not try to steal or force others oc's so that they become an "otp", get the owners consent first.
  • Don't make rp posts with only limited characters, be open! make friends!!
  • Any discrimination with not be tolerated!

#2. Listen to Mods and NPC's

  • Mods (Mayors/Leaders) are here to help you and make sure you have fun and that the rp runs smoothly.We'd really appreciate if you listen to us because we put lots of work into making this and we don't want one problem to lead to another.We don't want to spend time dealing with an issue for a long time when we can get it over with shortly and get back to rping.
  • Remember that we aren't scary and we're just here to rp and have fun as well!
  • NPC's are characters that are made to help out in the rp. These NPC's can be interacted with properly if you read their profiles in the link above. Please do not modify or change the NPC's.. they are NPC's for a reason.
  • Please do not tie your Gijinka with the NPC's

#3. The 3 C's (Conflict, Concerns, Complaints)
All conflicts,concerns and complaints must be handled well to make sure it does not spread and cause further damage to characters and users. Please send a message to a mod that you trust so we can handle it, we don't want people to be unheard and we want all opinions to be open to us (privately), we will negotiate with you and figure out whats best for your problem.

#4. Character Development

  • Every user is limited to TWO characters when they start out, your activity can effect the amount of characters you can have.(can also start out with one)
  • Legendary pokemon will not be used in this rp, We don't want anyone to think that they are better than another being.
  • When making your character please do not make them mary sues!! leave room for development~
  • Characters can be any age
  • No Fakemon (pokemon that are fanmade)
  • We are open to all sexualities, genders, religion and race!
  • Characters can live anywhere on the map [link]
  • Characters are allowed to open up any shop or stand they want
  • Characters can also work at any job they want (farm,bakery etc) (preferably matching their nature/type)
  • Can have the same pokemon as other users, only if you ask them and get their opinion (we want a diverse community)

#5. Relationships

  • Characters are allowed to marry whomever (keep this appropriate please, no incest or illegal ages)
  • Relationships between characters can be purely platonic
  • Please keep things pg+13
  • Relationships must be developed through out the rp, please don't just come out on the day of your first rp post and state that your character and ____'s character is dating so soon.