
RP Post RulesExternal Image

#1. POV
posts can be in either Third person POV or First person POV (from your gijinka)
first person is preferred because we get to know whats going on inside of the gijinka's head and learn more about them.

Length of RP post should be more than one page in microsoft word and shouldn't be less, the most should be about 4 pages.

#3.What to write about??
If you are new to RP's then you should know that you can write about a lot of things relevant to the rp. You can write about the interactions that your character had with another character or you can write about how your character completed a mission/task. Also we have monthly events that happen and they can boost your creativity about what to write :D
#4.Everyone deserves credit
Since everyone takes time out of their day to write these rp posts, please comment on them and let them know that you read the post and maybe tell them your favorite part or whatever you think is nice to say!!.

#4. Format For RP posts, please title them with the title of the post and (RP post) after it, also please tag it as "RP post " and the characters you used